HSM - Alert Error won't clear

My basement bathroom flooded BOOO but Hubitat saved the day YAY!

Now I can't cancel the alert. When I hit the cancel alert button, I get an error as shown above in the screenshots.

Any help would be appreciated.

Just a suggestion, but try rebooting your hub. Maybe there's something hung up in there.

This error is caused by attempting to set a brightness/dimmer value on a device that does not have the capability.

Click on app 9, it's likely HSM in Water Leaks, Light Alerts, then remove the level setting for the offending device, should be On only.

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You're right I found the offender.

I removed it but the error remains.

Trying the suggested restart

Removed the light that was causing problems.

Restarted the hub.

The error remains and I can't clear the alert still.

Should a new setLevel error occur, it's likely another device that needs adjustment. Note: existing log entries are not cleared.

After eliminating any new HSM errors, try "Cancel All Alerts". Should that not clear things, it's time to contact support.

Since HSM allows creation of a setLevel() on a device without the setLevel() command, it would be prudent preventing the HSM crash by adding something like this before issuing the setLevel()

if (setting.device.hasCommand('setLevel'))
(change "device" to actual input setting name)

Best would be to filter it out during the input processing phase. When I first moved onto Hubitat, I also bumped into his error, so it's been around for at least 1.5 years. tagging @bravenel

I removed every light. I still can't clear the alert.

I'm just going to try to remove the HSM and remake it. I had to remove do much already so... Why not just nuke it.

Ok finally cleared the alert. Unfortunately I had to completely removed HSM and redo it. Not so bad for me but anyone else with more complex alerts sorry Charlie.

I will look into this.

Edit: HSM is checking for this before issuing a setLevel for a light. The error reported was something different.

Further: Further testing is going to be added to protect against this error.


For more background, I had a light that would flash red when there was a problem with arming HSM. The light was removed from Hubitat but the HSM configuration was never fixed to reflect that.

When I went to remove the light it showed up in HSM as **broken**.

Hope that helps!

Yes, HSM was trying to turn on a light that didn't exist. You must remove devices from the apps that use them before you remove them from the system, There is a warning to do this; heed the warning.

Oh there was a warning? Never saw it.

It was a hue light though the CoCoHue app or the built in app. I don't know which because one it was so long ago and two I've switched between the two.

I had no idea it was broken. You don't see that until you click on it. In the overview, it showed the name of the light.

I knew to manually fix all my automations in the rule machine. Just forgot about this light and I don't use arm/disarm.

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