Hi guys
I'm new here. Moved from ST a few days ago.
I have HRV that is controlled by Z Wave switch.
Till now during winters I was just running a rule on ST to run it for 20 min each hour.
Now that I moved to Hubitat I was wondering if there is a relatively easy way to do something that would resemble regular HRV control on a dashboard. A button to just run it non stop. Another one for 20 min and maybe another one for 30 etc
I mean I can do it with several switch tiles, but maybe there is something smarter I can do ?
Does it have a variable speed?
Maybe run it according to presence and time based trigger. More people home run it for longer. One person run short. Etc... Kind of hard to imagine all the use cases and gotchas right offhand. Maybe take into consideration relative humidity or temperature outside if you live in a climate extreme. As for dashboards you could create virtual switches or add a button controller and have it execute different conditions depending on what button is pressed.
A few minutes ago, I released version 0.2 of my HVAC Zoning App. See here. It is designed to do a lot more than operate an HRV, but there is no reason it couldn't be used for that and not implement much of the other functionality. In the App, the amount of ventilation desired is set using a virtual dimmer. The level is used to indicate the percentage of each hour that ventilation should run. If you have information available in Hubitat that lets you estimate how many people are in the house, you can set up a rule to set the dimmer level accordingly.