HPM and Hubigraph

I just installed Hubitat Package Manager, the reason is to install HubiGraph 4.2.
Hubigraph does not install properly, I keep the getting the following error

"An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to install file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tchoward/Hubitat/master/HubiGraph.js. Please notify the package developer.."

After searching I find where others have had this issue, but I cannot find where it was resolved. I have been told that it is probably an HPM issue.

Has anybody had this issue and what was the resolution.

So I don't waster more time I removed HPM and reinstalled it and it worked fine. So it was something I was doing in the HPM install!!

Been getting the same errors :slight_smile:

Have uninstalled dead re-installed HPM

Still getting

Any ideas - I cannot see I did anything wrong it is pretty straightforward


In my case I am getting;

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to install app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tchoward/Hubitat/master/hubigraph_long_term_storage.groovy.

Any ideas?

What platform version are you running?

Platform and versions are;


HG 4.71

HPM 1.8.1