How to utilize z-wave association groups?

I would like to configure associations groups for a few z-wave devices but I don't see any please to do this.

  • Do I need to create a device driver with code for configuring association groups?
  • If that needs to be done, does someone have an example of the code?

Thanks, Glenn

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Hi @ericm sorry to hit you up directly with two questions but every search brings me back to you.

I'm trying to use the Association Group of my Inovelli Dimmers (NZW31S) to control other z-wave nodes via the physical wall switch. Had this working with openHAB but can't quite figure out how to configure it with HE.

Under the Set Association Group, I'm assuming the first input Number is the Group Identifier but I'm not sure what to enter in the other fields or what to enter in order to associate several nodes.

Second question:

I would like to configure the a=Association groups of my Qubino Flush Mount Dimmers but it doesn't look like the code has been added to the DH. Whill copying the Association Group code from the Inovelli DH to the Qubino DH work?

Thanks, Glenn

Hey Glenn, it is a feature that has been specifically implemented into our Inovelli handlers. There is actually an App that is designed to work with our devices to simplify the association procedure.

I believe that if you want to submit the association directly from the device screen it would be in this format:

group number
nodes // as a map i.e. [01, 02]
action // (0 - remove, 1 - add)
multi-channel endpoint (optional) // ignore - not finished

The weird thing is that when I submit [01] through the App it is stored and processed correctly as a map. If I submit the same thing ([01]) through the device page it treats it as a string so it processes it as "[", "0", "1", "]"

Which causes it to error. I haven't figured that out yet.

If you wanted to make the Qubino driver compatible with the App then you would just need to add:

command "setAssociationGroup", ["number", "enum", "number", "number"] // group number, nodes, action (0 - remove, 1 - add), multi-channel endpoint (optional)

and this to "configure()"

def cmds = processAssociations()
return cmds

And these methods:

def setDefaultAssociations() {
    def smartThingsHubID = zwaveHubNodeId.toString().format( '%02x', zwaveHubNodeId )
    state.defaultG1 = [smartThingsHubID]
    state.defaultG2 = [smartThingsHubID]
    state.defaultG3 = []

def setAssociationGroup(group, nodes, action, endpoint = null){
	log.debug nodes
	log.debug action
    if (!state."desiredAssociation${group}") {
        state."desiredAssociation${group}" = nodes
    } else {
        switch (action) {
            case 0:
                state."desiredAssociation${group}" = state."desiredAssociation${group}" - nodes
            case 1:
			    log.debug nodes
                state."desiredAssociation${group}" = state."desiredAssociation${group}" + nodes

def processAssociations(){
   def cmds = []
   def associationGroups = 5
   if (state.associationGroups) {
       associationGroups = state.associationGroups
   } else {
       log.debug "Getting supported association groups from device"
       cmds <<  zwave.associationV2.associationGroupingsGet()
   for (int i = 1; i <= associationGroups; i++){
      if(state."actualAssociation${i}" != null){
         if(state."desiredAssociation${i}" != null || state."defaultG${i}") {
            def refreshGroup = false
            ((state."desiredAssociation${i}"? state."desiredAssociation${i}" : [] + state."defaultG${i}") - state."actualAssociation${i}").each {
                log.debug "Adding node $it to group $i"
                cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:i, nodeId:Integer.parseInt(it,16))
                refreshGroup = true
            ((state."actualAssociation${i}" - state."defaultG${i}") - state."desiredAssociation${i}").each {
                log.debug "Removing node $it from group $i"
                cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier:i, nodeId:Integer.parseInt(it,16))
                refreshGroup = true
            if (refreshGroup == true) cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:i)
            else log.debug "There are no association actions to complete for group $i"
      } else {
         log.debug "Association info not known for group $i. Requesting info from device."
         cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:i)
   return cmds

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport cmd) {
    def temp = []
    if (cmd.nodeId != []) {
       cmd.nodeId.each {
          temp += it.toString().format( '%02x', it.toInteger() ).toUpperCase()
    state."actualAssociation${cmd.groupingIdentifier}" = temp
    log.debug "Associations for Group ${cmd.groupingIdentifier}: ${temp}"
    updateDataValue("associationGroup${cmd.groupingIdentifier}", "$temp")

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationGroupingsReport cmd) {
    log.debug "Supported association groups: ${cmd.supportedGroupings}"
    state.associationGroups = cmd.supportedGroupings
    createEvent(name: "groups", value: cmd.supportedGroupings)

Thanks @ericm, I'll give that a try. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

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Does this work for GE Jasco zwave switches and dimmers or only Inovelli switches? Did this setup prevent popcorn effect?