How to use API to access variables?

I've been using the Maker api with javascript fetch() to access my switches. But I'm confused about how I can use the api to access variables. Is there a separate api from the one in Maker? I have a variable that I set in an app action, and I've read about the getGlobalVar(String name) in the api instructions. But I don't know how I use it in the api call. Is it just embedded in the url? Where?

Create connector devices for your variables. And then access those using Maker API.


Ok. Being a newb, I could really use a bit more explanation. :smiling_face:

Look at the section on creating connectors in the hub variables documentation …

I had read that section. To me it said that connectors were something that was used in older versions and not needed these days! When I set one up in settings, I then saw it in Maker and now I understand that I access it as a pseudo-device in my javascript code. Thanks.


Maker API hasn’t changed in ~3-4 years; some changes would also break many existing external integrations. So it remains one of those older apps that cannot directly use hub variables.


As an alternative to creating a connector, you could use Rule Machine for this instead of Maker API. The idea is similar, just a different app to handle this, since Maker API has not been changed to allow direct access, while Rule Machine does offer this feature.

To do so, create a rule, then add a local or cloud endpoint trigger (depending on your needs). Then, use the Rule Machine hub variable HTTP API to set the hub variable — specifically, a GET to something like:


for local, or similar for cloud with the cloud URL substituted for the beginning part.

That being said, Maker works too, aside from the fact that I hate to encourage connectors when there's another way given that some people aren't as cautious with them as you are. :smiley: