How to use a date / time to trigger an event

I pull a date time and store it as a date/time in HE.
How do I 'trigger' based on that value? I think I'm missing something. Anyone with a level 1 example?
in my case, I wrote a driver to pull the calculated (changes every day) twilight length - The time from sunset to actual. This value is store and I want to trigger on its' value.
All I'm offered is a compare option. How do I trigger on 'time = xxxx' attribute?
I'm trying to turn my porch light on based on the value.

in my above I just slapped a '= 1' ignore that.

Just use the “Certain Time (and optional date)” trigger with your variable like I did here:

how did you set the global variable? I can't get the trigger to be a device attribute.
Here's my device:

I don’t do this exact thing, but I think you need to use a number variable and set the variable to an epoch time from your driver and then you can use a rule to write the epoch time to your date/time variable as show here:

thanks - I looked at this - my desire was to store my date/time to a global. If I have to rewrite my app to save my properly formatted attribute as an epoch variable,, the need you describe seems redundant. It's an option - but I was hoping someone would point out something already in place I was just missing. Thanks for the assist!