How to scan Zwave Plus qr code (Android)

The help page shows a scanner for this, but my app (1.5.1) doesn't appear to have any way to add new Zwave plus devices with scanner. Is there something I am missing, or another way to add these?

Do you have a C-5 or a C-7?

Edit: I think the ability to scan a QR code only shows up if you have a C-7 hub.

Tagging @bobbyD for the real answer.


That is the real answer. The QR scanning is only available for C7 model.


Gotcha. I have C5. Anything else I am missing? I was able to add these new GE switches the old way by zwave inclusion mode and tapping on off on the switch. Just didn't have any experience with this qr code yet and the new GE switches really seem to promote it more. (They are thinner too which is nice)

The new style ge devices work fine on the c-5 - they just can't be paired with S2 security, which is fine.

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