How to reset Z-Wave radio

So,... repurposing an older c-7 in a new house, I've soft reset, no need for any old devices. Then reviewed zwave and zigbee details and found NO devices listed... so far, so good.
Add a couple zigbee devices just to get the ball rolling and while setting up a dashboard notice it says there are 3 devices.... doesn't seem right. I add the zwave dongle so I can scout out and hopefully find a ghost device. I see this list:

Now I have 3 devices, two zigbee and the zwave USB stick... when I go back into dashboard I see 4 devices now....

my device page shows this:

I don't see the radio reset button any more in the z-wave details page, don't know if that long list in the network management starting at device 6 should just be removed, or if there's a 'factory reset' pin hole button (don't see it like on the older C-3...
Suggestions appreciated! I'd frankly just like to start clean the fastest route possible short of buying a new HE.

Run this endpoint to make sure you Diagnostic tool is updated since it sounds like your hub was offline for a bit. It will spin for a while, just let it go.


Then use the diagnostic tool to do a z-wave radio reset, may want to reset Zigbee as well.

Also make sure your Z-wave firmware and ZIP Gateway are updated per these instructions:

Thanks! Done all that and I'm still seeing that (4 devices) in the dashboard screen, as above. Reset both z-wave and zigbee. Only see three devices in the devices page and 4 devices listed in dashboard screen... so all still as above.

Wonder if a hard reset is the next thing to do?

Tried a hard reset... error resetting zigbee pops up.
Tried a soft reset again... still shows 1 device that's not listed in devices. But seems to be 'available' in the dashboards.
No idea what to try next...

The radio reset only reset the radio itself, not the devices list on the hub. The radio info can be seen on the Z-Wave / Zigbee details pages from settings. Radio resets will wipe those, with the exception of lingering Zigbee "devices" from the hub database may still show there.

A Soft reset will clear the hub database and the apps/devices lists.

A Full Reset will reset everything all at once plus some other things so its like brand new out of the box. You will need to register the hub to your account again afterwards.

Not sure why you are using the dashboard to "see" devices? Are there devices in the devices page? If not then the (1) showing on that easy dashboard page is probably a bug, they are brand new.

What's brand new?

The zigbee reset keeps failing. I can recreate it often (not every time) using the reset zigbee button. The full reset is also failing with the same message. It states it's already registered after the 'full', that's what makes me think the full reset isn't working either (besides the zigbee reset failed message at the 'end' of the process).

I'm not really using the dashboard to 'see', more noticing one device 'listed' tho nothing shows below or in devices page... I'll call it a ghost device, just because it's not listed anywhere else. I'm maybe just paranoid based on chasing ghost devices/unreliable C-7's around for years now. Just want to make damn sure my db's are all clean and nice before I populate etc.

That original screen cap of the zwave tool listing shows a number of 'devices' below the #5, which as i understand it shouldn't be there on a brand new setup...

The "Easy Dashboard" is brand new with the 2.3.9 release. Thus, on a hub with no devices, it might possibly have a bug with the count of devices displayed.

In fact, I just tested this hypothesis on a Development Hub, and in the Easy Dashboard, I see one more device accounted for than actual devices on the hub.

Thus, nothing to worry about, IMHO.

The Easy Dashboard is new, exactly what I said.

If you are worried about z-wave ghost devices just look on the z-wave details page, if its blank you are fine. No idea what you were seeing on PC controller, possibly stale info if you have not re-paired the stick with the hub.

Is the Zigbee radio enabled? A reset will fail if the radio is disabled.

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Got it. I'll drop the paranoid delusion of devices ghosting me!

But I did have this... Zigbee enabled, status offline

With a full power down, unplug, etc its now showing on-line. But if them that's wiser than me (y'all) about these things believe there's no issue, I'm happy with that answer. Thanks! I'll call it solved

Thats why the Zigbee and full reset was failing. Zigbee radio crashed. As you found a power down and unplug will restart it again.