How to prevent double-tap, need rule to delay next action

Hello, community. I'm still new to Hubitat.
Is there a way to prevent double clicking a button by mouse in a Dashboard? I think accidental double clicking destroyed some electronics that I'm controlling through Hubitat because that created fast ON/OFF transients..


You could create a Virtual Switch device, that is exposed via the Dashboard. Then, use a Rule Machine rule to “debounce” the signal between the virtual device and the real device to prevent rapid changes in status.


Along similar lines to @ogiewon 's, what if you created a two-button virtual button, one for on and one for off? Each button would only do the same action each time, so double-tapping the on button wouldn't change the state, since the physical switch is already on.


Good idea. Thanks! Now I have to try to learn how to do it because doing what I did was hard enough and I already forgot how to do it... If you could point me to a link to tutorial on how to create separate On and Off buttons - I'd really appreciate it !

Thanks! Not sure I understand though... Could you please pont to a link of how this is done ?

Not sure I could easily find a tutorial as such, though I expect there would be one somewhere....

Here's some steps on what I had in mind

From the Devices page select Add Device, selecting Virtual, then the Virtual Button Type, enter a name and a Room if you want.

On the Device Detail page for the new device, the number of buttons defaults to 5, but you can adjust this to 2 if you want.

If you don't already have the built-in Button Controllers App installed, install this from the Apps page.

Create a new Button Controller, selecting the new Virtual Button created earlier. Create two "rules" for each of the two buttons, using a Control Switches action, button one push for ON and button two push for OFF.

Add the new Virtual Button to the list of devices for your dashboard.

Then create two tiles on the dashboard for buttons one and two.

You won't see any difference in the display of the two tiles:


One option to distinguigh between them is to include a custom icon in the tile setup:


And/or include a background color or adjusting the title. These will require some CSS which I can lookup if you want to do these. A background image could also help on the tile. It's up to you... :slight_smile: