How to pass a comma-separated string via Maker API

I've got a command that takes one obligatory parameter (a comma-separated list of IDs) and one optional parameter (an ENUM). I cannot for the life of me figure out how to pass this data via MakerAPI. If I just use for example 17,22 meaning to pass them as two IDs, MakerAPI will instead assign 17 as an IDs and 22 to the ENUM. If I pass 17,22,0 I get an error about no matching method signature, which makes sense, as MakerAPI is interpreting each comma-separated item as an argument to the method. How can I encode this so that 17,22 will be passed as the first argument?


Have you tried [17, 22],0 ?

Yes. Thank you for the suggestion but that was one of the first things I tried.

In the logs it shows:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method

"17, 22", 0

Nope. Same problem. MakerAPI is breaking that string up into three parts:

  1. "17
  2. 22"
  3. 0
    And since the method I'm calling with this command only accepts 2 arguments, I get that same "No signature of method" error.

Have you tried escaping the , using a \?

What are you using to call MakerAPI - custom app, RM, etc.? In an app I might be tempted to try:

idList = [17, 22]
callMaker(idList, 0)

Yes, I've tried that. Hubitat still sees the comma and ends up creating 3 arguments.

I'm using Node-Red with nodes for Hubitat integration and as I've been trying to figure this out, I've also been using a browser to call MakerAPI directly with the URL that sends a command to the device.