How to make a Scene Controller button turn a dimmer on and off?

Hi guys, I'm attempting to set up my first scene controller (Zooz ZEN32) in Hubitat. I'm trying to make a button turn on/off a kitchen cabinet dimmer switch. It seems I need help with a few basic questions.

I used Basic Rules to do when Button 2 is pushed, toggle the Kitchen Cabinets dimmer switch.
(Screenshot here)

  1. Is "Toggle" the correct action to use for this? Or am I misunderstanding what "Toggle" means? (I assumed it makes pressing a button turn something on, off, on, off, but it doesn't seem to be doing that.)
  2. Is a Basic Rule the right app to use, to assign buttons to control other switches? Or should I be using the Button Controller app? Or something else?

Thanks for any advice.

You can use a lot of different apps for this, so it's partly a matter of preference (and what the app is capable of), but that Basic Rule should work. Toggle will turn a light on if it's off or off if it's on. If that's not working, your light may not be reporting state back correctly to Hubitat. Check the device detail page and see if the "switch" value under "Current States" updates as expected when you manually run the "on" or "off" commands. If that doesn't work, toggle won't be able to work correctly, but it could be a device or driver issue that can be fixed.

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Ok thanks for the clue, I’ll try taking a look at that.

Button controller will also work for you