How to identify a DS18B20 temperature sensor

I'm using the Fibaro Implant with the Fibaro FGBS-222 driver. I have 5 DS18B20 temperature sensors connected. I know each DS18B20 transmits a unique 64-bit serial code, but I can't see it in Hubitat.

Is there a way to identify an individual DS18B20 in Hubitat?

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The individual temperature sensors are child devices of the Fibaro Smart Implant device.

If this is this is not what you are seeing then remove the device and rejoin. You need to have the sensors attached before joining. If that doesn't work make sure you are using the built in "Fibaro Smart Implant". After that double check your wiring.

How does the driver know which sensor is sending data? It must have access to the unique ID supplied by each ds18b20.

In your example, if you need to add a third ds18b20, the procedure is to: 1) exclude the Fibaro Implant
2) wire in the third ds18b20
3) re-include the Fibaro Implant

After step 3, how will you know which sensor is which?

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A lighter?


There are some cases where it is difficult to selectively apply heat to the sensors, such as when the sensors are embedded in a pipe, or in a freezer. These are the cases in trying solve for.

I understand your problem. I don't have an answer for you.

Disconnect them one at a time and look for errors?

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Its the disconnecting part that is the problem. I you have several sensors embedded in pipes or other structure it becomes very difficult to disconnect them.

It would be helpful if the driver exposed the ds18b20 id to Hubitat.

By the sounds of what you are saying you know the ds18b20 ID of each sensor. Is this true?

Prior to installation I could easily find the 64 bit ID of each ds18b20 with an Arduino sketch. But - since the ID is not shown in the Hubitat UI this does not help me (does it?)

Well I wonder if the driver / UI does something like displaying the sensors in alphanumeric order. Maybe that could be something that @support_team could confirm or deny.

The child devices have different Device Network ID's.
Can that be translated into what you need?

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