How to get rid of ghost devices?

I have a couple of devices that I tried to include in the past, failed for whatever reason, and now are not connected/available anymore. They don't show up in the list of devices, but they still show in the Z-Wave information table; one is "Initialized: false, Status: dead" and shows a "Re-initialize" red button and a "Discover" gray one. The other is "Initialized: true, Status: failed" and shows a "Remove" read button and a "Discover" gray one. If I click the red buttons (Re-initialize or Remove), nothing seems to happen; if I click the gray buttons (Discover), the device becomes listed as "Device" in the devices list, and if I click on it and try to remove/force remove it, I end up at the starting point...

How can I get rid of those ghosts?

See this thread for help. Holding the shift key while clicking Remove sometimes helps:

Thanks; that helped for one of them; the other ghost seems to be very persistent and defeat all my attempts...

I completely agree and have 2 stubborn devices as well. One of them has been stuck and showing "alive" for 4 months now even though the device has been sitting in my garage. I have been working with @bobbyD on this issue and he has escalated this with Engineering. Maybe with multiple users reporting similar situations effort will be put in to fixing it.

After 2 tries on unsuccessfully removal. You need to reboot the hub and try again. This seem to be the only way for me.

Hopefully that works for others. I don't ever get a remove button on 2 of mine. They seem to be stuck and showing "alive" yet long gone. One of them was the 4th device I added to HE back in February.

I've had an "empty" device for some time now. It survived numerous reboots and one Hub firmware upgrade.

To be honest it doesn't seem to be of any harm. A little annoying but I personally would not want to spend an inordinate amount of time on this, at least for now.

Node 1 is your primary ZWave Controller (ie, Hubitat)

I don't happen to have any Dead ones to do a screen cap with.. but I do have a Failed:

It's an Aeon Recessed Door Sensor, battery powered, working fine, but sleeping right now.


Early on I had 2 devices listed that were not part of my system. However my Hub was brand new and I was repeatedly adding and deleting devices. Some time later they just disappeared.

So thanks, I can now stop thinking about this.

You can try open/close the closet door then do a Z-Wave repair.

I went back in and yeah, I have one live one without a device name as well. Not really sure what this device is.

Pretty sure I recall reading on another thread that the unnamed '1' device represents the hub.


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