How to get last 4 digit of a string?

Just checking if someone knows how to get the last 4 digit of a string.
Example: +12345678910
I want to get "8910" only

What app are you wanting to do this in, and how does this data get there to start? Or are you writing custom Groovy code? More details are necessary to get an answer.

Hi, thank you for the response.
I want to do this using Rule Machine.
Any suggestion how to do it?
I tried Token, Delimiter, transfer it to a new Variable to get the last 4digit.
But problem is i need to know the character before last 4-digit everytime.
Maybe there is a better way of doing it.

Unless you have a delimiter, I don't see way to do this in RM. It might be possible in webCoRE if you want something else built-in, or a custom app can definitely handle it. You might also consider if there is a way you can modify this data from whatever source it's coming from into something the rule can operate on more directly.

Got it.
I will try Webcore.
I dont have a way of changing it from the data source.
I will create a Global Variable, transfer it to Webcore to manipulate the last 4-digit, then transfer the 4-digit data to Rule Machine.