How to do a physical hard reset. Hub stopped at 30% after nightly 4am reboot tonight

Hub will not initialize past 30% after a nightly 4am reboot tonight, It has never done this before.

I first noticed my hub not responding about 4:15 tonight, after trying to connect with my PC, I seen an "Error 500" message.

I then removed the power cord and ethernet plug, and waited about 2 minutes and plug everything back again.
But it will not go past 30%, I have been waiting for 30 minutes and it will not go any further than that.

I have even tried typing in my hub ip address ( ) in order to do a "soft reset" but could not connect to the hub.

I did try doing a hard reset by pushing, I believe the reset button on the bottom of the hub. After releasing the reset button the hub led went to red, then back to blue.
But it still only goes to 30%?

Not sure what steps to do for a correct hard reset, really didn't find anything listed on how to do it.

Hoping to get this working with out contacting tech support if I can.

Try the 8081 with http instead of https

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This might be a stupid question, but does Hubitat program the hub to automatically reboot each night, or is this something to OP has programmed it to do? I've had to reboot only one of my three hubs, and only once for that one, in about a year of use. So, if not programmed by Hubitat, why do it? At the very least, why do it so often?

Yep, that let me do a "soft reset". Starting it right now, hope it works!

Thank, for finding my mistake!

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The latter.

I have over 250 device, plus over a 100 automations (Ring, Echo Speaks, etc...) just on one hub. In the past I would notice my hub would slow down every so often. I happen to seen last year where someone created an app called 'Rebooter' and installed and it fixed my issues, and been running it ever since.

I have asked in a post awhile back, if rebooting my hub every night would prematurely wear my hub down. I was inform by support that I wouldn't need to worry about any damage to the hub by rebooting it every night.

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The button on the bottom is to reset the hub to use DHCP if you set a static IP and then cannot connect for some reason. It’s not to reset the hub platform.

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Hub is back up and running now!

Thanks again! :grin:


I knew there was a button on the bottom, but I was thinking it might have something to do with reset.

Got it. Thanks. Seems reasonable.