TRy opening the device page of the bulb. Near the bottom of the page it will show you any apps the bulb is tied to under "In Use By". That should help track if an app is the cause.
Ok, it just did it again and I was live watching the logs. the ONLY event was that it turned on. So something is triggering it I'm assuming outside of HE.
How many other controllers are on your network?? Minimote, Z-Stick, SmartThings, Wink ? (You didn't specify ZWave, but my brain is ZWave facing.. if Zigbee, then SmartThings, Wink, etc.)
Sorry for the troubles. Did you open the Hue app and check "Software update" under "Settings"? If you have the auto update on, the bulb might just be updating its firmware. It does come on and off during an update. I would worry if it continues to do that for an extended period.
Related, but I'm not sure it would help here: I haven't seen Hubitat device event history show anywhere what app/automation was responsible for turning on/off or otherwise manipulating a device, even when that change originated from Hubitat (e.g., from an app). I'm pretty sure a certain competing platform does this, and it makes things like the original poster says easier to track down. Of course, it's of little help if the change originates from outside Hubitat (e.g., a physical manipulation of the switch), but at least that could help someone narrow it down.
No other hubs still connected (that I'm aware of) HUE up to date and not updating at the time. It's also only 1 bulb and when nothing was going on in the house.
IFTTT, Conrad Connect, Yonomi, Stringify ... you ever used these ?
I set up a voice announcement that said ‘Stop drinking coffee and get back to work’ as a joke for my cleaner if she switched on the kettle outside of her break time. It was on a Wemo plug. Later I couldn’t find where that automation was implemented and even resetting the plug wouldn’t stop it. I binned the plug in the end as I thought if I sold it then it might still happen.
I’m fairly sure I used one of those cloud automation services and I think it’s still hanging around there, but doesn’t show up for me.
Yes, still happening...and I'm determined to figure out what is doing it. The HUE hub is no longer connected to ST hub so assuming it's not that. ST and HE hubs are on different zwave channels so I'm assuming no interference. Although I think one step is going to be to shut down the ST hub and see what happens. Nothing referencing that bulb in IFTTT and IFTTT was never directly connected to HUE. Actually I never used cloud based HUE only local with ST prior to the hubitat and now moved over here. The one that seems to make the most sense is something to do with interference on the zigbee channel. I've been gone for a few days and it just keeps turning itself on.
Also going to power cycle it when I get home today.