How to debug C8 crashing or going offline

I’ve been having similar problems recently - whole C8 hub started to die randomly like 2 weeks, with no access to anything (connected with WiFi). After update to .123 it was working fine for few days but today it died again. Any information how to debug it?

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And also answer as much of the questions posed in there that you can.

When hub locks up, I cannot access diagnostic tool on 8081 nor it responds to pings. Directly power cycling it helps. It's been running until few weeks ago - I didn't add new devices in months, so it's likely triggered by one of the recent firmware upgrades.

It's C8, running on .123. It's connected via WiFi to asus router, it has IP DHCP reservation. Hub is powered by supplied power brick. I don't have jumbo frames enabled. Topology is simple - asus router in front of att fiber router. There's somewhere around 100 devices on it, with roughly equal mix of WiFi, Zigbee and Zwave. For LAN/IP based connections, I use Google Home, Google SDM, iRobot Scheduler, MyFlair and MyNext, OwnTracks.

When hub goes offline - there's 0 errors in the log - it just dies.