I didn’t think we were talking about much of anything anymore .
Also true...
If you want something to talk about...
Picture you a 'motion' sensor but in a light strip form.
Like in some SyFy series/movies you would get a exact positioning along that strip whenever somebody moves...
I would LOVE to get that...
ow... euh... to stay on topic... It works on Wifi.
but I do like Zigbee... got 0 z-wave devices
I do not have that Google spybot so I can not run the integration and help.
Day 45 in J&J, almost protected.
There is limited support for some rollers at this point.
Sorry to resume this old topic, but so I'm not creating a new one.
I have understood that it is much complicated to integrate LAN/Wifi devices directly to the HE.
But, as you are mentioning:
If it works with Google and Amazon then if you have one of those then the Hubitat can work with it through them but not by itself
how can I control these devices from HE, through Google?
I only find the opposite, I mean control HE devices from Google, but not the opposite.
Basic concept is that you set up a virtual device, usually a switch/contact sensor combo, and expose that to your voice assistant; then write 4 or more routines in the voice assistant to keep things in sync:
- when virtual HE turns on turn GH/Alexa device on
- when virtual HE turns off turn GH/Alexa device off
- when GH/Alexa device turns on turn virtual HE on
- when GH/Alexa device turns off turn virtual HE off