I have lots of LAN devices. See the other posting for a partial list. Only 1 required the could, my Ecobee3 thermostat. The other 8 or 10 or whatever do NOT.
IFTTT is one of the integrations.
Yep, my GE z-wave works fine with the generic driver. There is now a user made of that adds a little capability which I put into my hub but I think I am still using the generic one.
If it works with Google and Amazon then if you have one of those then the Hubitat can work with it through them but not by itself.
WHY??? it defeats the whole purpose of having a safe local Hub system. I personally hope the change the Ecobee integration to be local too. I hate the could.
@jeff.lilliquist you’re responding to a discussion that occurred (and died out) over a year ago.
maybe it died because nothing changed... after even year(s)
I also have device (wifi) that are on my google home but hubitat can't find them...
To bad the toppic died... seems like 'they' don't care
Maybe it is more like they aren't going to go around chasing wifi devices that have no published APIs or connectivity specs?
The bad part of most wifi devices is that each vendor implements it differently. There is no standard. And most don't publish any external apoi or connectivity specs.
Why? Because they want to lock you into their service/app/ecosystem.
Same reason google and amazon don't make it easy for external hubs/controllers to control Google Home/Alexa devices... Both services are all geared around them controlling the external devices, not the other way around.
Why? Because they want to lock you into their service/app/ecosystem.
If you think creating an integration for a device with unpublished connectivity specs is easy and a good use of time, feel free to implement as many wifi devices as you want to the hub.
Yes, I'm being a bit sarcastic, but come on... You want to be annoyed? Be annoyed at all the manufacturers that wrote proprietary wifi implementations - which is almost all of them.
Maybe someday when matter/chip is done this will get better. Or maybe not? Who knows at this point.
“They” includes many Hubitat users who understand the limitations of locked-down WiFi devices that @JasonJoel described in detail, and agree it’s hardly the best use of Hubitat developer resources to prioritize this.
BTW this is why resurrecting zombie threads is rarely a good idea.
There’s not much new to discuss here.
It gives me the 'zigbee alliance' feeling all over again
Wasn't zigbee ment to be the 'universal' protocol between al devices...?
There is never a universal protocol.
Even if matter/chip is super awesome, someone will want to monetize or exert control over the spec/devices/service at some point and make their own that is "way better" so they can do so.
It is a never ending cycle.
Bah. You're no fun.
Point taken.
I’m not working today and bored anyway, so here I am .
That's OK. I've been working on some specs with a chinese firm all day.... I don't speak/read/write any variant of chinese, so have to go through am middle-person interpreter.
I'm ready to take my cyanide capsule.
Been there. But with the topic being about how grandma’s not doing well in the covid icu . Can get pretty awkward.
At least mine is just business/widgets. Dealing with a language barrier in family or medical issues would be much harder I think!
Yeah, well-trained medical interpreters are crucial, because they have to not only know medical lingo but ideally lots of other culturally sensitive skills related to communication of tough/emotional topics too.
How does the usage of messenger relate to how i would like to controle my shades with hubitat?
I really don't get it and i'm open for your view on it.
Isn't that from the time IFTTT was fully free... good old times...
I don't like the 'build a own pc', flashing firmware, mainly because i don't even have a hairdryer... not to metion the rest.
we are talking about a company made product (wifi) connecting to a other company made product ((Zig-wave-lan) hubitat.