I think I mimicked the situation with a different rule. I've only made a couple conditional rules so far in RM so hopefully this one is correct. Haven't tested it yet.
The idea is if the lock is engaged but the door contact sensor is open for more than 1 minute then trigger a notification, turn on the hue lights to orange and the regular lighting on.
The way RM is setup unless I just didn't see how was I had to use a Not on the locked because I couldn't get it to select the exact T/F condition I wanted when picking the locked state.
The door lock shouldn't ever be normally engaged with the door open, unless you are doing something like putting it in a programming state where you engage the lock on purpose with the door open.
IF (( NOT Front Door Lock unlocked(F)
) OR
Front Door Sensor closed(T) [TRUE]) THEN
Cancel Delayed Actions
Notify iPhone, Twilio SMS: 'Lock alarm - door open and still locked %date% %time%' --> delayed: 0:01:00 (cancelable)
Set color: Hue Lights ->Orange ->Level: 100 --> delayed: 0:01:00 (cancelable)
On: White Lights --> delayed: 0:01:00 (cancelable)
On: Entry Top Dimmer, Bedroom Dimmer, Entry Bottom Dimmer --> delayed: 0:01:00 (cancelable)