How to change which button is the trigger?

I created a rule for my Fibaro Key Fob for a button 5 double tap. However, upon further exploration it seems that a double tap isn't supported. So I wanted to change the trigger to button 3 hold. I can't figure out how to edit the trigger to do that. Is that possible? If not, it would be a great addition.

BTW, I tried copying the actions, then added button 3 hold, but when I went into the button 3 hold there was no way for me to paste the actions in there.

Which app are you talking about?

Button controller

What you need to do is open the Button Rule you have for button 5, and copy all of its actions to its clipboard, and select Export Clipboard. Then create a new Button Rule for button 3, and import the clipboard. Once imported, paste those actions and you're all set.

Once you do those steps you could remove the Button Rule for button 5, and clear the clipboard in the Button Rule for button 3.

That worked. Thank you. I would still like to add the copy/paste method to the wish list.

BTW, I didn't need to create a whole new rule, I just added the 3 held and after I did the export I edited the 3 held and was able to import it right there. I then removed the 5 double tap.

The next release has a major update to the Button Controller user interface, and part of this will allow a button to be re-assigned. So if you had a Button Rule for 5 DoubleTapped, you could re-assign it to 3 Held.

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Fantastic! I know release dates are NEVER cast in stone, but with that said, could you give us a ballpark ETA in terms of year quarters? (e.g. 3rd quarter, 4th quarter, 2022, etc.)