How to auto restart Hubitat C-8

I have a C 8 and I need to reboot nightly if possible. Is there a driver that can do this and we’re do I find it and how do I install.

I have a water shut off valve installed as a device in my c-8. It freezes up randomly and I need to reboot nightly to make sure it’s stays up and running.


They make a [Rebooter] App ...

I'll provide the obligatory ... If you need to reboot nightly, you should probably address the real problem instead.

So to that end .. what water valve (an old Fortrezz perhaps?). What does freeze up mean?

Just to prove that I'm really on your side .. I have a water valve that I power cycle nightly. But I power cycle the valve, not the hub.


I am using a Bulldog water valve to automate the shutoff.

I have see it freeze in one position to were if you try to open or close the valve it will start but immediately return to the beginning position thus it won’t open or close when it’s in this state. In the drive you can see it tried to open/close but then returns to were it started.

I tried recycling the valves power but does not fix the issue. Restarting the Hubitat does.


Fair enough. Thanks for taking my comment in the spirit it was intended.

That sounds weird, which means fun to troubleshoot. There's something that happens when the hub boots (driver initialization?) that fixes it. If it were me, I'd do something like wait until it freezes again, then change the driver to something else, save, and then change it back. Or maybe just hit Refresh and/or Configure to see if that does it.