How to add some hue lights after they have been deleted

i removed some hue bulbs from hubitat but now i would like to add them again i can see them in the list on the Hue Bridge Integration but how do i go about adding them to the hub again

If they are still connected and controllable through the Hue app, you should be able to just click the dropdown (Select additional Hue Lights) in the Hue integration app and click the checkbox.

that the thing i have them there

Kichen lamp 1-2 how do i go about adding them again to my devices

Do they not show up in your list of devices? You shouldn't need to do anything other than click Done.

in my devices i removed them some time ago for some reason
that why im asking how to add them again

ive sorted it

how did you figure this out..i'm having the same problem...they are showing in already added, but not showing in my devices?