How nice will Hubitat Play with Smartthings

Yes, perfectly adequate.

However, I started with fewer devices and with StaplesConnect (which was also Local no Internet, except for updates) and got used to "speedy" -- OpenRemote was very, very niche, local only, runs on your own hardware, also "speedy."

There are Apps that Hubitat has found to be consumptive of resources :frowning: WebCoRE is the poster child for that. (I read that the very latest is superior but I don't know as fact.) One of the 'must haves' on my list is Homebridge. It too has wormed it's way onto the bad apps list (again, since, it's been completely rebuilt) and I created in my head a means to split the 'risky apps' onto it's own Hub.

Those two elements.. used to speedy, need one of the bad apps.. made me architect three hubs interconnected. Two have the ZWave/Zigbee radios enabled and I've split my devices (upstairs vs downstairs) between those two hubs. For 'speedy' - no other reason. The 3rd hub is in a 'coordinator' role and many apps reside there.

There's several threads on this:

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