How many ex Vera owners are here?

Another ex-Vera user here too. My old Vera Secure and RFXtrx433E where shiped away to it’s new owner about a week ago. My reason for switching was that I got tired of Ezlos promises of new firmware for the old Vera controllers, a promise which in reality never seemed to become nothing more than empty promises.

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I still have my Edge as I havent gotten round to putting it on FleaBay, I ran the Linux Beta for a while (it was my secondary controller) but it was basically useless unless turning lights on/off with your phone is something ppl want to do. :man_facepalming:

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Yeah, Ex-Vera user here... About 4 months now. Not missing the stagnant and incomplete products.

Happy to be here. Although still working to replicate a few features that I had implemented with the Vera.


After maybe 4 months (C7 release) I'm not looking back on the HA front, even with C7 z-wave teething problems. The difference in ease of actually automating things is night and day.

I might consider reviving my Vera Plus, simply to take the feed from my one outdoor camera, as I certainly don't want to bother running blueiris or something for that (and don't really want any more cameras than that - feels a bit too dystopian).

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Such as? Give us some examples and I'm sure we can come up with a way to accomplish it.

Just wanted to give my thoughts after moving to Hubitat from a Vera Lite, a couple of months ago.

I had decided to move away from Vera as I didn't care for the direction or tone of the new company. I was absolutely dreading moving my home automation system. However, the experience of moving from one platform to another has been MUCH easier than I thought it would be. Based on some feedback within these Forums, I decided to just pull the plug on my Vera system and then rebuilt everything (about 40 devices and integration with my wired alarm system) on HE over several weeks. Duplicating everything I had set up in Vera (PLEG, etc.) was remarkably simple and easy in HE. The few issues and solutions weren't always obvious to me, but with Search and help from the HE Community, I was able to solve every problem within hours.

As for the HE hub and software. It has been rock solid. I have incorporated several software updates without issue or drama. It just works.

As for the HE community. It is so much better than the Vera community. Friendly. Supportive. Knowledgeable. The people actually respond in language that can be understood and help you solve the problem. With Vera, the answers I would receive were often more technical/confusing than the original problem.

Would I make the move from Vera to Hubitat, again? Knowing what I do now, I would have made the move much sooner.


Hello, first post, 5 year Vera vet here. I came home this past weekend to a bricked VeraLlite, not sure what caused it but it won't let me reconnect via LAN port even after factory reset.
Anywho, Ive decided to purchase the Hubitat.
Rebuilding from scratch will be a chore but I will contribute to this forum as much as possible.

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I also have tried several solutions in my past...
Started with powerline devices as my first. Then I was on VeraLite for a while which was pretty good. Added RTI for improved interface and control. Of course you cant be in this without giving ST a try and I had that only for a couple years. Then on to HE which I have now. I have added Lutron Caseta to the HE because it is by far rock solid with control. I am no longer using RTI but have been thinking about bringing it back for the nice screen layouts vs the dashboard. I am sure it could be duplicated to some degree if I learned CSS but screens are really simple in RTI to setup.

I am happy with HE. It has been easy to grow and add different devices and the community is very helpful with any issues.


I am finding pretty funny that I was named in this thread and had not come back to this forum for quite some time. I was actually an early HE supporter, buying my unit from crowdfunding (can't remember which site) and had tested it initially in parallel/secondary to my vera but then got too lazy to migrate my 150+ devices and 200 scenes and plugins over so I moved to openLuup. Yep I got banned from the forum for speaking my views about the new ezlo controller which would find better use in a landfill than in a home automation setup. For those who came over here, a bunch of people got banned from the forum there also for voicing out their dismay at the new direction and abandonment of customers. A small group of us have created a new forum where we are continuing our own development with or without vera and some of which actually link back to HE. Good to see some familiar names here. e.g @dJOS


Long time no see @rafale77 , your efforts to make Vera Z-wave networks almost stable were very much appreciated by me at the time! I finally sold off my last Vera Hub a few weeks ago (it was gathering dust on my desk for months).

I don't miss Vera and their crappy products at all, HE is better in every way imaginable! I've got 2 C7's now, even tho I didn't need a 2nd unit, I just wanted to play with Hub Mesh. :smiley:


I myself have pivoted my zwave network to Z-way and had been using HE for zigbee for a short period of time before moving it to home-assistant... on the hubitat stick. No doubt hubitat is an upgrade from the vera especially on the reliability side though I heard on of my friends speak about a nagging memory leak problem? :man_shrugging:

You may hear about MSR, a rule engine which will attempt to interconnect a number of various hubs from @rigpapa. There is a thread about it here and work is progressing well.


I just set my C7's to reboot once a week and restart the services every other day using Hub Controller and I have never had an issue. I did this as one of my Cloud integrations is not very well written - I figure prevention is the safest option. :smiley:

I have seen MSR - it looks interesting, however, If I was going to the trouble of adding an external Automation system, I'd just go Node-Red.

I really didn't like RM 4.0 when I first got my C7 as the learning curve was steep - that said, it was at least logical compared to that piece of user-hostile garbage known as PLEG!!

There are still a couple of items that I'd like to see improved in RM (seriously, please give us a trigger that only fires if Device State-X changes to State-Z!) and not being able to fully edit the first part of a complex Conditional rule if you screw it up or want to change it.

That said, the power of RM is exceptional and I have grown to like it a lot.


I remember you from the Vera Community too, and all the work you did there was very much apriciated by us users even though Ezlo didnt have the brains to apriciate it... Sad to hear you have moved on from Hubitat aswell! :confused: You would have been a big asset to Hubitat as an active member.


Hey @monsterdykaren, I remember you as well. Good to see you here! Yeah I was a short time HE user. After having completely stabilized my setup by taking down the vera (I never need to reboot anything anymore), I spent most of my home automation time on blending in AI and namely implementing video processing as triggers for my automation: facial and object recognition, all done locally. So I learned quite a bit of python...
These days with the system being rock solid, I mostly noodle around optimizations: reduce traffic between hubs, cpu and memory utilization...etc.

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Iknow what you mean with editing in rule machine !!! gaaaaaaah! Editing in MSR is sooo nice and easy and the best part its so visually clear if something is true or false,instant


Yeah I miss that, especially as a visual person.

This was among my reasons, and about the same timeframe. It was a mess, their support was arrogant as all get out and it didn't support anything I wanted to use. I just unplugged it and moved on.

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I am not an EX Vera owner yet. I am looking to change and Hubitat looks perfect except.... I have 70 Z-Wave Devices, 21 Hue devices, 24 virtual devices, and nearly 100 scenes. I am concerned the C7 will not support my home. Do I need to get two hubs? Can I use one of my Vera hubs as a slave? If I use a Vera device as a slave will it attempt to access the cloud? All my Hue devices are connected to a HUE hub.

At a high level you should have no issues with just one hub. Hue hub can directly integrate with HE so no need to move those devices off of Hue. Check your Zwave devices against the supported list (List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation) and the community integrations - most Zwave and Zwave Plus are supported. ZWave Plus devices generally work better than plain Zwave - don't need to be polled for status.

If you look at the hardware specs, the C7 is magnitudes larger then any model of Vera, if what you have is being supported by such lack of hardware currently, I don't think you should be concerned.

The ONLY thing I still used my VeraSecure for was the $300 4 hour backup battery to act as a UPS for the Hubitat. And sadly 2 months ago even the backup battery on the Vera failed.