How is Hubitat planning to stay relevant long term?

How is Hubitat planning to stay relevant long term?

I really think we're missing the obvious answer...

Hair gel!

It worked for Elvis (mostly). :wink:

This resonates w/me...focus on the HA and not on other stuff makes a difference. Plus HE gets a ton of leverage from community developers who are very loyal to HE due to its open stance. Plus I'm here. :smiley:


It will elevate your hair...? :wink:


Or, you could stay home…

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You know is coming, but if you thought just a few years ago that telling a voice assistant to "turn the lights off", only to be greeted with "I don't know that" was annoying, then prepare yourself for many more years of hearing that same phrase every time you'll be trying to set up a voice automation. "Sorry, my lock code isn't set up yet, please go to your controller and set up the code, first." :slight_smile:


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