How do you tell if an Aeotech repeater is working?

How do you tell if an Aeotech repeater is working?

If I look at "lastupdated" it doesn't look like anything is happening.

I have two. Both are paired, but I can't tell if they're doing anything.

Check your Z-Wave details. You should see Last Sent and Last Received dates and times

If you are talking about the Aeotec Range Extender 6, there is a light on the side that flashes whenever it receives or repeats a command. So if something is routing through it you should see some flashing when you control it.


Both fields are blank for both of my Aeotech repeaters. Using the built-in driver. I do notice the light periodically flashing so I suspect they are working.

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Hmm. OK. Thanks for that feedback. I only have one repeating device (a HomeSeer FS-100) because my Z-Wave is minimal and it was a bonus that it has repeating capability at all. It's probably because it's not a pure repeater that I'm see those on my Z-Wave node.

I see the same thing with my Zooz Zen06 outlets. They are, according to specifications, beaming repeaters and both fields are blank on the Z-Wave details page (likely because I rarely switch them on and off - they are mostly used for holiday lights). I have 6 of those. They are using the Zooz Power Switch driver.

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