How do you get the Filter box in an input selector

How do you get the Filter box in an input selector on an app. I have seen this in system apps but not in any users apps I have to see a code example. This is from the dashboard app.


Edit: nevermind, I misread your post. I'm also interested in knowing how you do it. :wink:

I was just about to try it (your edited out suggestion) and say I assumed that just did the All On/Off checkbox which I am not interested in so much.

I'm late to the party, but the flag is showFilter: true on a capability input.


Thanks, going to go add this some other peoples apps I use so I can make edits to devices easier!

Any chance it could be added to the Alexa integration app as well?

@bertabcd1234 :wink:

This was the main reason I was trying to figure out how to do this, after adding a few devices and looking in my giant list of devices (which I am sure is short compared to some people).


Yeah, Alexa and Google both.

Suggest @csteele considers adding this to the "search by tag" install page in HPM

Note the caveat !! It doesn't work on:

input "pkgTags", "enum", title: "Choose tag(s)", options: tags, submitOnChange: true, multiple: true

options: tags <-- a list, not a capability