How do I control lights using illuminance but overridden when I manually turn on

Hello, I'm a wink refugee, really wishing I'd come to HE many years ago, if only I'd known. HE is a lot more fun and powerful but not always the easiest for reasons I understand.. I'm sure my request for help is something common and simple I've searched far and wide and learned a ton things I have not found exactly what i'm trying to do for the WAF (lol, love that one) I have 3 situations in my house/system that I've added the Aeotech M6 sensors and with those I'm looking to have them automatically turn on various lights depending on the light level and off when it gets brighter, unless I hit a switch in which case I just want them to stay on. My problem comes in with in SR maker if i use the same switch as the "switch" to deactivate the rule of course as soon as the light switches on because of light level, it wont turn off because the state is now on. I probably need to use a virtual device but that is something completely new to me (as most know in Wink, you get very little control of things). Right now I just need this to work to keep her happy then I can dive deeper into so much more it seems.. Thanks for any help

Use the motion and lighting app, it will be easier to accomplish. Using that the logic is easy to understand and is a gateway drug to RM

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My 1st thought is to use a MODE or a GlobalVariable for each case:

Something like:

Name a mode = Light1Mode OR name a globalVariable Light1Mode

In one Rule (I only know RM)

If the manual switch is turned on change the Light1Mode to manual (or if variable could be false)
If the manual switch is turned off change the Light1Mode to Lux (or if variable could be true)

In the Lux rule add a test for the Mode or GlobalVariable to determine if you do anything or not.

I have a virtual switch (my light switch) that is linked into my motion lighting rule in RM.

  • If there is motion, lights come on irrespective of the switch
  • If the virtual switch is off, the lights go off after 90s of no motion
  • If the virtual switch is on, the lights go off after a 20 minutes of no motion, and then the virtual switch is turned off.

Turning the virtual switch on and off also turns the lights on and off.

This works for my use case; sitting at the dining table eating dinner my 90s timeout is too short and so the lights keep turning on and off if we sit still for too long. This way when we turn the virtual switch on they turn on and stay on - but still turn off after 20 minutes of no motion if we leave the room and forget to turn them off.

Lol, thanks.. I did look into lighting and motion rule maker but I didn't see how to accomplish what I was looking for.. do you have any examples? As for gateway drugs, this whole Hubitat system is a gateway to trouble (lots of fun). So much it can do. I spent most of yesterday learning how to flash Tasmota onto my old wifi smartlife devices to keep them local and then integrate them with hubitat.. lots of learning there but I got it, brought back old memories and she wasn't happy with my "I'll be right there" over several hours..

Ivr got to do some investigating into mode and global variables, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around them, but they seem very powerful.. again if appreciate any pointers to examples so I can try to understand.. thanks for your reply

Virtual switches do seem to have the potential of what I'm trying to do but having my head stuck in Wink for so long I am having issues wrapping my head around the use. I will look for lessons and examples of virtual switches after I flash a few more devices with Tasmota tonight.. she likes her lights.. lol.. thanks for the help and suggestions, forget about gateway, I'm fully hooked now

Our spouses should form a support group - Automations Anonymous.

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Lol, too true