I've only used Simple Automation Rules so far, so please bear with me.
I'm thinking I will let the bathroom fan run a default of 5 minutes after the door opens. This can be done with SA switch rule, something like, turn off fan after x minutes.
However, if I want to do a double tap for 10 minutes or a triple tap for 15 minutes while heading out the door, a button option is required. The button option in SA does not have a timer function available.
Do I have to now delve into Rules Machine? I was hoping to postpone that, lol.
If your switch supports multiple presses then you should be able to use Simple Automations...just select it as a button in the app, enter the button number and number of taps/held, etc.
Thanks. The problem is setting the different times with a button, but I think I figured it out. Create a virtual switch for each button used and have a rule for each one that keeps the actual switch on for varying amounts of time.
Now the question is how many shut off times. The switch can handle 6 buttons. I'm gravitating toward 5, 10 and 15 minutes with single double and triple taps in the up direction.
Thanks for clarifying...I don't use SA very much so when you said above I assumed that SA supported a timer to turn off switches...looked at SA and doesn't appear to support that.
If it's just you using it you can go to town...if it's family members (if they are anything like mine) they will only remember and actually use buttons if it's very easy/simple. If I was doing this for my family I'd set a single tap to the most commonly desired fan time, and double and triple for alternatives (which likely mostly/only I would use).
Trigger "button 2 released" is the bottom paddle held then released. I use double tap for a few things but I find the release trigger easier to consistently trigger where the double tap is all about how quickly you do it. I'm using a device driver from GitHub - Botched1/Hubitat: Hubitat Apps and Drivers for my GE switch the default driver may be different. I capture the state of the rule so that if I release trigger the rule while active it cancels the scheduled turn off.
Ignore the Pause/Resume Rules actions for they are related to interaction with other rules related to humidity sensor turning on the fan.
FWIW, @velvetfoot, coincidentally there is a new commmunity bathroom fan automation app, just released today. It may or may not support what you need, but you could consider asking the developer if they can add a feature or two if it's close to what you want. Could be a nice clean solution for you.