Hello, I just bought a Hubitat and some Sengled bulbs. One of the bulbs are an RGBW Color Plus. I was able to pair the bulb without any issues. However, I can't figure out how to change the color on the bulb. The only thing I can do is change the brightness and temperature. I've tried using Hex values and color names. I've searched through the forums and I can't find anything.
For rgbw bulbs currently use the setHue and setSaturation commands in the driver. setColor requires a map parameter [hue:<0..100>,saturation:<0..100>] and optionally level:<1..100>
setColor by color name or hex value are currently not supported.
Are you using the correct driver for these color bulbs? I have the Sengled Element Color Plus bulbs working perfectly using the built-in 'Generic Zigbee RGBW Light' driver.
I was able to change the colors using Hue/Saturation as @mike.maxwell suggested . Like I said, I'm new to Hubitat. Literally have only spent an hour with it, if that. I'm currently using Home Assistant. I guess I was expecting something a little more user friendly on the front end with a color picker or something like that. They are probably working towards al that since it's still fairly new.
I created a fairly simple userscript for TamperMonkey to make it easier to select the color for my RGB bulb. It's not perfect by any means--it's the first userscript I've written in many many years. I have no idea if it's following best practices or anything of the sort. I just know it's working for me
I'm glad this seems useful to others! You should be able to install the TamperMonkey (or similar) extension for your browser, click the TamperMonkey icon in your toolbar, click "Create a new script...", then copy/paste that script into it. Once it's added to your TamperMonkey and enabled, it should automatically add the color picker near any COLOR_MAP field when editing a device.
I should also mention that the picker gives a lot more options than it probably makes sense to offer. I'm considering switching to something like Colorpickle - The ultimate jQuery color picker plugin instead. They have a demo that's specifically for HSL, which would probably make more sense.