How can I move/manage 1 of 3 hubs as a new user / email

I have 3 Hubs, one C7 and 2 C5's. My C7 is at my home and one C5 is at my cottage.

When considering selling the cottage, I would like to move the whole setup to the new owners. Devices are segregated by location to their respective hubs, and can be run independently.

How can I slice off this one C5 to a standalone setup? Can the user have a Gmail account in this, and if not, why not? While I have a private domain email for my own use, I do not wish to host others, and getting a private domain other than these gmail/hotmail types is an expensive and tech-savvy proposition.

By sheer blind luck (and certainly not due to clarity of how to do it), I was able to register the C5 which had been standalone, but on my private domain email. I am not sure if I had deregistered it and then reregistering eventually worked for reasons unknown. There was NOTHING to click in the admin menus to help with this.

So with this, is there some way to setup to run and manage 2 separate email addresses and hubs using a common "remote management" service from Hubitat, until the sales/transfer process is completed (could be a while in a slow market)?

This may be pushing the boundaries of what can be done with this product, but I like what it does and it has been making a clean sweep so far of taking over Tuya/Smartlife devices using user drivers.

Thanks, Don

Conceptually it's easy to know that the answer is yes because your hub(s) and mine are separate and independent.

Because I haven't done it though, I can't give step by step but I believe it starts here:

Be careful to not fall into the "sell the hub to a new user" path that involves resetting the radios. You do not want that. :smiley: You're just trying to change the "ownership/admin" to a new address, I believe. Then when you sell the cottage, you give them that new gmail id/pw and they own it. I've heard of people using the house address as the gmail id.

I fully expect you'll get significantly better answers in a few minutes.