How are folks solving for 'Entire Family Awake' scenarios

I also rely heavily on door sensors. I'm continuing to play with various methods of detecting when people are in bed, but most of my awake/asleep automations are built around Contained Motion and Combined Presence. I haven't found a bed presence solution yet I'm entirely happy with.

I have a Contained Motion zone for the bedroom. The kids get special logic in Rule Machine, with a virtual motion sensor that indicates when both doors are closed and my son's bed sensor shows him in it. (There's also a notification sent to my phone if his door is closed and he's been out of bed more than 5 minutes. :smiling_imp:)

In the morning, all the fully-awake routines depend on doors opening. Each kid's door opening will stop their noise machine; our door opening will turn the house as a whole to daytime operation. All of them trigger on the door remaining open for ~45 seconds, since a quick transit doesn't necessarily mean we're trying to get up.

I do have a wake-up lights routine; the lamps in our room slowly build from 1% to 20% until our door opens, and then build from 20% to 75% over the next half hour. My daughter's lamp goes dim red at bedtime, then slowly brightens and turns yellow in the morning. We've reiterated that if it's red, she needs to stay in bed (and ask for help over the monitor if she needs something), but if it's yellow, she can get up whenever she's ready.

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