HousePanel 2 Node Version

I haven’t been able to replicate that. But try to refresh your browser using the HP refresh button on the bottom. Then try again. I will keep investigating.

Housepanel is stuck again with the aforementioned error. I can't load it anymore. Is there a way to reset housepanel?

First try to reload the server by killing the process and rerunning node hpserver.js and then reloading browser follow by a Refresh button press.

Next to reset the user to default with no password so you can login with no password, load housepanel from your browser with the parameter: ?api=reset Something like:


If that still doesn’t fix it and you really want to start over, delete the hmoptions.cfg file and the hm_*.cfg files and then reload server as above.

Ok so only deleting the files helped to start housepanel again. Authorized my hub, tried to drag a light on the dashboard. No tile appeared. Then I reloaded the page from within housepanel: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of null" etc.....

Seemed to have narrowed down the error!! It has something to do with lights that I am using. My hue lightstrips as well as hue play as dimmers work great! However all of my grouped hue white ambiance spots no matter if chosen as dimmer, light or bulb dont appear as a tile and throw the error! Hope this helps in solving the problem!

My spots only work as "switches" in housepanel....but they aren't dimmable then. It might have something to do with the fact if lights support color changes or not. Hue play and lightstrip both allow color changes. The spots only allow changes within the range of "white".

Thank you for the troubleshooting. Can you send me the error dump from when the app crashes? Also please tell me more about the group lights?

Hi, what error dump are you referring to? How do I get that? The spots I am talking about are hue white ambiance spots. 8 of them are grouped to one group with the original hue app. Hubitat's native hue integration recognizes this group and makes it usable for hubitat. My hue lightstrips are grouped as well (two lightstrips as one group). Those work well as a dimmer in housepanel. My spots only work as switches. The only difference I can make out so far is that lightstrips and hue play support full color range whereas spots are limited to white.

Copy and paste the etc... also if you piped the output to a file when you started node, look in that file for the error and send it to me.

I did copy and paste the error a couple of times in this thread.

Sorry I have no idea how to "pipe" anything would have to give me the exact commands. Im a total noob when it comes to linux and such...

Okay - got it. That will help me fix it pretty quickly.

Regarding piping output here is how you do it and why..

node hpserver.js >& hpserver.log &

All output from the server will land in the file named which in this case is hpserver.log

The above command is issued on ther server when you start up housepanel. Note that you should always stop the service before you start a new one. To stop the service do:

ps | grep node

Then kill -9 pid
Where pid is returned by the ps command

Hi, do you still need the error file for solving the issue or do you know what the problem is?

Thank you

I'm good.. just need to find time to work on it. I think I know the problem. I posted an update tonight but I don't think that will help you. This update chases down other errors including some login troubles people have been experiencing. I will be in touch soon with an update that fixes your issue.

Thank's a lot! Looking forward to it!!

[RELEASE HousePanel V2.270]
EDIT: Actually, it is now V2.271 as I found and fixed a few minor bugs

Today I just posted an important and significant update to HousePanel. First, I fixed the bug found by @schlagzeug-jan noted below

Next, the login logic was completely rewritten. Lots of people have been having trouble logging in, and after spending some time on this module I know why. There were several logic flaws and implementation errors. That happens with hobby code folks - sorry about that. So I rewrote the logic and squashed the bugs. I can never guarantee anything, but hopefully this will help folks. When updating please keep a copy of these files safe somewhere:

  • hmoptions.cfg
  • hm_default.cfg
  • hm_xxxx.cfg (where xxxx is any other username you used to log in)

This version will now save all custom tile settings in hmoptions.cfg and all room and thing settings in the separate cfg files. It no longer mixes them up. The code should handle the conversion automatically but just in case you have a backup.

Once installing the updated code, you will need to redo "npm install" because a new dependency was added (for handling cookies). Then you should be ready to go.

Next up is a healthy dose of Documentation that I'm long overdue to update.


I've been trying to set the app up off and on all weekend and it seems to be running. I must of missed a step because I can't get my devices to load. I did see I was using an old groovy file, fixed that. Out of ideas. Thanks

Getting this error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined
at processHubMessage (/home/pi/hpserver/hpserver.js:3415:62)
at /home/pi/hpserver/hpserver.js:7669:23
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/pi/hpserver/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at next (/home/pi/hpserver/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:13)
at Route.dispatch (/home/pi/hpserver/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:112:3)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/pi/hpserver/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at /home/pi/hpserver/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:281:22
at Function.process_params (/home/pi/hpserver/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:335:12)
at next (/home/pi/hpserver/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:275:10)
at cookieParser (/home/pi/hpserver/node_modules/cookie-parser/index.js:57:14)

Try the updated version. Fixed above bug and more.


im confused the docs for house panel v2 says it no longer requires a webserver.. if so how do i get it working on hubitat. if it still does require a webserver is there a docker module to work on qnap.. thanks

ok i got node and npm installed on my qnap.. ie
sh: pts/1: No such file or directory
[~] # pwd
[~] # node -v
[~] # npm -v
[~] #support

so now i assume i just need to copy the git like normal.