Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave 'Away' setting

I just set up a Honeywell T6 thermostat and it's pretty great. I first tried it using the Thermostat Scheduler app but ended up controlling it instead with 5 RM rules. There's one thing I couldn't figure out, though... the thermostat can be set up to control setpoints based on Home/Away occupancy. I can't find any way to put it into Away mode. All my setpoints enter and control perfectly, but the display always says it's in Home mode.
Has anyone else noticed this or discovered a way to change occupancy status?

The Hubitat built-in driver does not expose this control, but the T6 community driver does. Download it from here:

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Awesome, thanks! I'll give it a go.

Edit: I ran that driver but don't see the Home/Away or occupied setting.

Go under Schedule Type and change it to "Occupancy based schedule".

I guess it's just an oddity, but while my Away mode executes just fine and the setpoints change as expected, even when my HE mode i away the t-stat itself never says Away, only Home.

I just got this thermostat as well, and had the same question. But I think the "home" and "away" on the thermostat are separate from modes in Hubitat. Since you're paired with the hub, the thermostat is basically "dumb", but controlled by your rules. The thermostat is always in "Home" mode, you're just setting the temperatures and modes to reflect what the Hubitat says they should be.

It doesn't know that your rule lowering the temp in away mode is actually an away mode. It just knows that you've lowered the temperature.

In short, the thermostat is NOT an extension of your Hubitat network, but a simple device that is controlled by it.

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I do not see that the T6 Community driver actually supports setting the T6 "Away" state (aka "energy save heat" or "energy save cool", depending on whether you are in heating or cooling mode.) The driver lists them as supportedThermostatModes but I don't see any way to set those values. According to Honeywell's spec "Away" can be set thus:

Basic V1 (basic set command implementation):
• Value 0x00 Device goes to Energy saving setting (AWAY mode)
• Values 0x01-0x63 and 0xFF Device goes to Comfort setting (HOME mode)

but I dont see the driver doing that. There's an unfortunate overloading of the term "mode" in these thermostat specifications that may contribute to the confusion over how to support it.