Honeywell Pro T6 Z-Wave Thermostat Driver Issue

Cooling capability erroneously appears when switching from the "Generic Z-Wave Plus thermostat" to the built-in "Honeywell Pro T6 Z-Wave Thermostat Driver"

The above thermostat is connect to a boiler and has no A/C connected. I've setup the thermostat to have 0 cooling stages. When the thermostat is included it defaults to the "Generic Z-Wave Plus thermostat" driver. The device page shows no capability for cooling (this is correct).

However when I switch to the "Honeywell Pro T6 Z-Wave Thermostat Driver" the cooling settings appear on the device page as soon as I hit "configure". And it is shown as a valid mode.

I'm guessing the cooling mode won't operate due to the thermostat internal menu setting but the addition is somewhat annoying.

What advantage is the "Honeywell Pro T6 Z-Wave Thermostat Driver" over the "Generic Z-Wave Plus Driver"?


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Ya I have central heat only and I have just learnt to ignore it but it would be nice if the cooling part or heating in that case could be turned of in the preferences....

The only functional difference is extra configuration parameters.

The Generic Plus driver interrogates the thermostat to fill in the capabilities.