Honeywell Evohome

Hi All
Firstly, thanks @ApriliaEdd for the app and driver.
I too am trying to migrate my last few ST integrations to HE.

I installed the app and driver (non beta driver).
I see my zones as devices and they correctly reflect the current temperatures.

However, I am unable to control the zones via HE.

I’ve noticed the following errors in the device logs.

Could anybody give me any pointers please?


see here for the required change to the code. for some reason I do not need this in my hub but some have had this issue.

you might want to use the beta driver as it uses the new thermostat heating setpoint and thus removes the redundant cooling function for this system.

Sorry to dredge up an old thread but it has been extremely useful to a new user in terms of learning how Hubitat works and 'almost' getting my Evohome system integrated.

Has anyone with more than one Evohome installation (eg two locations under one account) managed to get this working? I am getting some, as yet undiagnosed, errors but can also see in the logs that it is retrieving data from both locations so am wondering if this is the issue.

I remember that the original Python code (the watchforstock stuff mentioned earlier in this thread) didn't support two locations.

If this device code is known to only support one location then I won't dig any further...


Did anyone get the integration working in the UK?

Yes it works fine in the UK. I’ve had no issues with it since installation.

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Where do you find the Device ID? I'm using a RFG100 so is it the MAC address?

@ApriliaEdd (or anyone else who knows) - Ive been using this app and driver without issue but there's one little change I'd like to make and can't figure out where I can do it. In the device state variables, "temperatureResolution" is 0.5 degrees and I can't find where to alter it, there's nothing in the preferences. I've tried altering it in the Evohome Heating Zone drivers code on line 288 state.temperatureResolution = formatTemperature(1.0) but that doesn't seem to do anything. Is there anything else I need to do for that altered line of code to take effect?

The reason I want to change this, is that at this time of year I've got the heating set to "Away" mode 15 degrees and with that in place the standard Honeywell app won't let me override an individual room without putting every other room back on schedule. The dashboard tile will allow an individual zone override but to get the Living Room from 15 to 20 degrees is 10 jabs on the Fire HD tile and I never use the 0.5 degree settings. Any ideas? Thanks

To be honest I stopped using this almost a year ago (I've switched to Home Assistant and my hubitat hub is literally just used as a z-wave/zigbee hub) I've had a look at the code and what you're doing should work as far as i can see. i do remember when i was messing about with teh code from the driver i had to remove each zone and allow the app to re add them to get it using the new driver code. Unfortunately the hub that used to run this code has been decommissioned so i cant test it. Hope you get it though

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No problem, thanks for responding. I did wonder about removing and re-adding, I'll give that a bash. Thanks