Honeywell Evohome

I'm not sure if your comments above also relate to an issue I've noticed in the Hubitat dashboard -- all the options for the heating modes that I am able to pick from do not really correspond to the actual Evohome heating modes. I have:

  • Auto -- I think this corresponds to Honeywell's 'Schedule' mode
  • Cool - no equivalent
  • Emergency Heat - no equivalent
  • Heat - no equivalent
  • Off -- Probably equivalent to the 'Off' in Honeywell

However, there is no way that I can find that allows for picking all the actual Evohome modes (although they do exist as separate tiles on the device page) -- Away, Day Off, Eco, etc.

@TUllman Ive not really bothered with the Hubitat dash yet, so am not aware of its full capabilities . At first glance it looked more of a faff on to setup and so I continued with SharpTools which I’d been trying with for a week or so. It’s very easy to use and edit. I will set up a Hubitat one that I can link to if the internet goes down, but that’s the only time I’ll use it.

That screen is just an older iPad I had kicking around unused. The dash can be set to auto resize to fit on whatever device you’re using which is handy. It’s easy to set up individual pages for Heating, Lighting, Music etc to de clutter it with tiles to navigate to each screen or main page which I’ll be doing. You can easily open the native app for whatever you’re using within the dashboard using intents - so your heating screen could show info tiles for each zone, tiles for home, away, day off along with a tile that opens the Honeywell Total Connect Comfort/ Home app if you need to do anything more complicated such as set the schedule.

The capabilities of the newer driver allow you to have Eco, Away buttons etc. In SmartThings those were available on each zone individually but setting it on one set the entire system to that mode exactly as it should. Not sure about how it will present itself in the Hubitat dash but will have a look when it’s available.

That's been my experience as well based on the very little time I've spent so far with Hubitat dashboards. But then I'm thinking, how often will I have to set up a new dashboard -- I will probably do it once, perhaps have a different version for different rooms and / or screen sizes / devices, and then will never touch the setup again.

I suspect this functionality is not present in Hubitat, so definitely a big plus for SharpTools.

That's brilliant! I will wait patiently when @ApriliaEdd uploads the updated driver then.

@ApriliaEdd - how is the updated driver behaving? Stable, as expected, good enough to share with the wider Hubitat universe? :hugs:

it seems stable so far.

I've added it to the repo as a beta driver. I'm not sure it brings any improvements other than the sharptools tiles.

you may or may not have to delete all your current zones and re-add them. I made so many changes to the driver mucking about with it that i lost track of how i updated it.

I'm away with work for the next 4weeks so will have limited access to this stuff.

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Working fine for me, thanks.

One thing I can't fathom... How did you add the links to Day Off, Economy, etc. I'm sure it's simple but I must be missing something. Thanks.

Edit: I've got it working. I added a virtual switch for each mode then in Rule Machine created a rule with:

Trigger - Day off Virtual Switch On
Action - Custom action - capability temperature, any of the zones, custom command dayOff

The mode in the lower right of the tile switches to Day Off straight away and the actual temperatures update in real time, however there's a few minutes delay until the set point temperatures update to match the day off scheduled ones.

Alternatively, you can create a rule in SharpTools and run that directly from your dashboard. One of the benefits of that approach is you don't need a virtual device (and the custom commands are natively exposed).

Create a Rule

No Triggers are needed, just the desired actions

Add Rule To Dashboard

Add the rule directly to your dashboard and configure the look and feel as you see fit. :smiley:

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Hi All

I'm currently in the process of migrating from Smartthings.
I have been using codersaur's drivers in ST for a few years now without any issue (although my requirements have been minimal)

One of the most useful features I have implemented in some of my automations are the Setpoint duration/temperature/Boost/Suppress functions.

Are these functions available to us in Hubitat?

I'm new to Hubitat and am only using the basic functions (not automated anything with it as yet) but this is what I have available for one of the zones from the device window.

My living room zone usually goes down from 22 to 17 degrees at around 21:45. I'd like to set up a rule where that change is delayed if the living room is still occupied (lights on or harmony activity active) until I leave the room (lights off or activity ended)

Hi guys, yesterday evening I started to experience issues with the app -- it won't take new setpoint temperature giving me errors. Has anyone else experienced it...?

I have just received an email from TCC/Honeywell telling me the TCC service has been reconnected.
Either the whole system was down for a while, or this was caused by a firmware update being pushed out.
Someone over in the Homey forum commented that they had received new firmware recently.
I am not at home so can't check which version is installed.

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Yes mine has been playing up for 2 days on and off. My dash was showing wrong temps and not updating. Initially it was only working one way - I couldn’t make adjustments from the dash or Honeywell app but if i made them locally (on the touchscreen) the dash and app would update to reflect the changes. This morning however I couldn’t even login on the website (though the login page showed no outages)

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This would explain it I think. It's again running as expected today, so fingers crossed things will stay that way!

@johnwill1 - do you still need help with this rule? I've set up some rules that are not exactly what you want, but I think you could use similar logic to build yours.

Yeah I can't think how its would work to be honest. I can create a rule that would increase or decrease the temperature but I can't figure out how I would set a rule that would have it ignore the scheduled change when the room is occupied.

For now I'm simply turning the temperature back up manually at 21:45 if I'm still in the room using my dashboard. When I go to bed I've setup a Virtual Switch on my tablet that turns off the TV, turns off the living room lamp, brings on the living room spots, hall, landing and stairs lights at 20%, waits 1 minute (for me to vacate the room and get upstairs) then turns everything off and uses the "resume" command on the living room heating zone to put it back to its schedule.

So I will start with a disclaimer -- I am no expert at writing RM rules and everything that I managed to come up with myself is not ideal, but that's the best I could come up with.

I don't think it's possible to have Hubitat's Honeywell app ignore the scheduled mode change. The way I think about it is that the Evohome app is the 'master' and Hubitat sort of needs to adjust to / follow it, if that makes sense.

Depending on when you usually start to watch your TVin the evening and whether there are any other scheduled temp changes during this time, the following might not work for you.

I would set up a rule that is triggered when you turn on your TV (and perhaps do an Exit Rule if your modes are any other than the Evening one) -- I'm guessing you are using Harmony for that that is linked to Hubitat, and that one of your Harmony activities is something like 'Watching TV'. Once that's triggered, I would take a reading of the thermostat's temp and assign it to a local variable that you can create within that rule (see one of my rules below).

Then do something like 'Wait for Event' command and as an event do thermostat decreasing its heatingsetpoint variable. After that, assign new thermostat temp equal to the original temperature you took a reading of at the beginning of the rule and assigned to the local variable.

I would then do another 'wait for event' with an event of TV being turned off -- and here I suppose you can just copy/paste the same set of actions you currently have triggered by your virtual switch.

You might have to make a few adjustments here & there as you start writing it all out, but at least in my head this rule should work. :slight_smile:

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Now having had a bit of experience with this app, I wonder if anyone else has seen particularly high hub loading as a result of it? Two apps stand out in my hub for using a lot of resources; this one and my life 360 app. Every week or so it gets to the point of the hub slowing down.

Do these values align with your experience? triggered over 6000 times in just shy of 4 days, and each one taking 1200ms of processing time? It also regularly fills my logs with zone temperature updates. I have all the polling rates set to the longest (60s), and 10 zones. If it does, and you have no issues, then perhaps its not the source of my slowdowns....


Just a note that your total app usage is 5.2%, of that 48.1% is EvoHome - or roughly 2.5% of your CPU time, Life360 is roughly 0.7% JMHO, but don't think that either of these are anything to worry about.

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Thanks for the feedback; on other posts around hub usage it is less than 1% for all their apps so it had me wondering.

It would probably be more helpful of me to post a screenshot of when the hub is actually reporting high CPU usage, rather than now when it isnt....but Evohome is consistently at the top, so wondered if it were an issue.

I'll get a better screenshot next time :- :smiley:

Always going to 2-3 apps that are higher than the "norm". IMHO as long as your total usage (apps + devices) is under 85% the hub is loafing. Free memory may be more the concern.

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