It was a good listen from someone that isn't directly in tech. I haven't had an opportunity to listen to The Average Guy Podcast #398 yet, but I'm curious why you aren't using dashboard for remote control? The dashboards do have cloud links and if you don't need remote admin, you can certainly control devices remotely without going into VPN setups and anything that complicated.
@SmartHomePrimer I'm still battling a few device specific problems at the present. For example GDO's not properly registering their state or functioning. Thermostats not showing correct modes and oh so much more. I do appreciate the recommendations about the cloud links and I'm interested in that.
I'm a bit tired of trying to work with my current Overhead openers, I don't know how old they are, they were installed when we bought the house in 2014, built in 1983.
I've heard a bit of a fuss against MyQ and it's fees. Do you recommend another brand or or model that would work with Hubitat? I see today there is a sale on the Nexx GDO's, an option like this might also work? I do want remote control of these however, even if that means not being on Hubitat. Same goes for replacement thermostats. Lots of differing opinions on Nest vs. Ecobee or another recommendation.
Thanks for your help. I like to provide a non-expert opinion to see how the average guy struggles with these products.
I am using MyQ with HE and there is no fees involved and has been working since October of last year without issues. Only reason I even replaced my openers was because Lowes had the MyQ opener like 75% off so I took advantage of it since I needed two openers.
Using the MyQ app I setup the opener. It opened the door when paired (scared the Sh*t out of me). When done said it could only monitor, but not operate the door. Umh, didn't you just do that?
I don't know how old the openers are, but might be easier to just get a whole new set and not keep trying bandaids to control it.
Yeah not sure about adding MyQ to an existing opener, but I would imagine there can be quirks. With the new ones everything is also integrated in the unit itself, no need for a hub or anything.