HomeSeer or Hubitat - Why?

Probably because it is typically much faster executing logic for most. Of course, in my case I would expect HS to execute faster, it is a VM running on server grade hardware/CPU. More power.

No limitations that I've run into. I've been able to do everything I need with Hubitat.

My only gripe is the motion sensing speed.

Let me rephrase, I’ve personally been able to do more with Hubitat then Homeseer.

Man... so I just did your exact same video speed. They are BOTH slow. But it's gotta be my Ecolink PIR-ZWAVE2. Any suggestions for FAST motion detectors? Prefer to stick zwave so I can go Homeseer or Hubitat.

I don't think there's a single Z-wave motion sensor that's as fast as Zigbee sensors. Unless you're OK with a wired solution - try the Zooz ZSE18 sensor with an microUSB cable attached. This way it's always powered, so there's no wakeup delay.

Thanks. What about good ZigBee ones? I'm fine with that. Just won't have many mains powered for creating a good mesh

Iris V2 3326-L sensors all the way for Zigbee! They're dirt cheap on eBay, but probably won't be available for much longer since they're discontinued.


FYI - I was messing around with HASSIO recently (just for the fun of learning another system...I'm not going anywhere! :wink: ) and I was able to use a spare HUSBZB-1 stick on a Raspberry Pi fairly easily. I was then able to pair a Iris v2 3326-L Zigbee Motion sensor with no problem. So, Zigbee on HomeAssistant does appear to be possible... Note: that was literally the only sensor I tried, along with an old GE/Jasco Z-Wave switch (which also worked via the same USB stick.)

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@mik3 What motion sensor were you using in your videos? Yours was almost instant (with Homeseer). I have the same situation with where it's located in a bathroom.

FWIW, I have tried the few Z-Wave sensors that support mains/USB power, and I did not find it to make any significant difference in their response times compared to battery power (and yes, I did pair them that way, not with battery and adding power later). Either way was noticeably slower than all of my Zigbee sensors.

Iris v2

Home Assistant has had ZigBee in various degrees of support for a while. They also have a deCONZ integration as well which finally (6 months ago??) added NYCE support. I like HASSIO and I'll probably be using it much more soon.

Writing rules on that is a terrible experience from the little bit I have done.

Hubitat and Homeseer are much nicer!

I edit mine directly with VS Code. I have no problems with YAML and that way I can also put them in version control.

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I have it loaded up on a server as we speak. I was playing with it today.

I still have to figure out how to work with conditions on it, but everything on the website gets populated unless you modify it which at that point you have to manually add any devices after the fact.

Is there a way to make sections in the website that are say, motion sensors, another section that says lights?

These are my thoughts too.

I reached out to the developer on deconz and he might might support them. They are centre lite units so it shouldn’t be that difficult for them to add drivers for them.

I also reached out to Homeseer sales today. They got back to me about the new upcoming zigbee and only would say they may be releasing a dedicated zigbee dongle....

AHAHAHAHAHAHA ohhh... ok... I needed that. :smile:

Yes you can do that. You can make your own "cards" with the lovelace UI or the templating system and organize devices or multiple pages for different things like rooms, purpose, etc. Lots have changed recently with LoveLace so I don't know "how" at the moment but they have really good documentation.

So it would be fair to say Homeseer is full of shit ? Are they known for empty promises?

I’ll keep looking at hasso as time permits.

What zigbee dongle are you using to support iris v2 motion sensors ?

I have a bunch of those and used them on Home Assistant too (via the zha component that relies on the bellows library; there are other ways and I'm not sure how they compare). They worked but I eventually ran into a problem where I couldn't pair any more. It may have been a lack of repeaters (I'm not sure what the end-device limit is on the HUSBZB-1 that I was using), and there were lots of devices I tried to pair but couldn't use (most notably, my Zen Thermostat)--they'd pair, but wouldn't do anything, and short of editing the HASS code itself, I'm not sure of any way it can support custom Zigbee devices.

Things may have improved since. This was shortly before Hubitat was released. All I know is that I've seen how Zigbee (and even Z-Wave, though HASS does a better job with it than with Zigbee) works on both platforms and, like you, have no plans to move back. :slight_smile:

I guess to bring this back to topic, I've tried a few Z-Wave devices on HomeSeer now that I have a license. It took me a long time to figure out how it all works (including manually setting up my Z-Wave stick), and I think I'll wait to see how HS4 works before judging too much. Don' think I'll do much on HS3, though, based on things so far.


Did sales give you a timeframe? :wink:

HS Zigbee already exists... it supports Sylvania's "hub" through the cloud when it works.... They couldn't even use their own system to perform a proper OAuth2 workflow for their own plugin. But... hey what do I know.