When I came home from vacation, and the mode changed to "home" this runs and should turn off blinking as well as reset the color of the LED to the current state. When I looked at the device itself. It did show blinking off...but they were all still blinking.
The behavior I'm seeing is like if Hubitat doesn't see them as blinking it doesn't send the command. But if I manually change it to update it to blinking and then reverse it...it turns off blinking. IE - It looks like it doesn't really send it if the hub doesn't think it's a change. I replicated this 4 times.
I could double up all my commands above to do an on and then and off, but just wondering if it's how the hub works...or all the driver?
What driver are you using? If it's the built-in driver, I'm not sure what might be going on with the built-in driver, but I don't see anything off hand that looks like it should cause this. But that would probably be clearer by looking at logs and using an actual device, which I do not have hooked up right now... (could try later)
If it's this one, typically authors make a post/topic here for apps or drivers, and that is often a good place to get help (but creating a new topic and linking to the existing one also works--and either by default will let the poster know something happened):
But if so, that one is mine. I also don't see anything that looks like it should cause this here either unless maybe the device doesn't report the configuration changes (which is how the status LEDs work) back as expected. But again, I might need to test that with an actual device.
When troubleshooting a rule, especially something like a custom command where the exact command and parameters are clear, it may be helpful to try the command directly from the device detail page in order to eliminate possible issues that stem from the rule itself (or generally speaking, whatever app you're using) and not the device or driver. So, I'd also suggest trying that here to see if you find reproducible behavior.
I have tried it from the device. What I have not figured out is how the driver gets lost in the state of the device.
This is NOT the built in driver. There are times I need more access to feature and more (10) buttons...not 2. This isn't a big deal since it only happened this time and it's a "vacation" rule that rarely runs...that seems to induce the confused state. But annoying
The driver reads the current blink configuration parameter (parameter 31) value after setting it. This is because all LEDs are controlled by a single parameter whose value is essentialy a bitmask, rather than an individual parameter for each LED (as there is for color). So, any change really needs to know the current/previous value (for all LEDs in order to change even a single one).
This is stored in the blinkval state key, and the meaning can be deciphered from the manual if you are curious.
I’m wondering if this is a matter of how long it’s in blink mode. I set blink on a couple of mine, but usually just a few minutes.
How long have you been in vacation mode when this fails?
Great info. It's been a while since I read through that for these. Weirdly enough it was harder to write rules for these with Homeseer than it is with RM.
Anyway, I thank you for all the input and will update if I make any progress.