Homemade Keypad


I made my own Zigbee modules. I have been doing that for a while. I have been updating my progress on that thread. That module expose Analog Input, Digital input and output.

I also make separate thread as an example to use those expansion pads. Basically, I want to open an idea for DIY-er who own my module to experiment with adding their own sensor or component. I have a few other example, let me re-categorized them to this sub forum. I think I made a mistake when I made those threads.

Now, the keypad itself, you can use it in any platform. The basic idea is when you press a button, you will get a unique voltage for that button. When the button is released, you will also get a unique voltage. Base on this, you can translate it into any abstraction that you want as a developer. In my DTH, I experiment on translating those unique voltage to hubitat capability outlined here.

If you use arduino and wifi, I suppose you can basically do the same with wifi as interface rather than zigbee. I hope this will help everyone.

I agree with @kamransiddiqi1998. If we can find a nice keypad, it would be a useful panel where a user can press a button and wire it to a routine, switch and etc.