Homemade Environment Sensor + Bluetooth little brother. Here are new possibilities

Some of member here start to received my prototype modules. I would like to document on how you get started on it.

There are 2 variant of the bluetooth modules. There is a LAN Version. There is one that connect to the Environment Sensor. The first couple steps on installing them are different.

For the LAN variant, you will need a DHCP server to assign the module an IP address. I recommend that you assign a Static IP address (not dynamic) from your router just like your Hubitat hub. For this version, the first step is please download the following app to App Code sections

Then, you will need to download the following DTH to the driver code section.


The next step is to go to the Apps section and click on Add User App button. Add the "Bluetooth LAN Service Manager" app and click done. Please ensure that you only have one of this.

Now plug in the module to DC power supply and connect the ethernet port to your lan. Then, you will wait 5 to 10 minutes. If everything goes well, you will see something like below. You can change the label of those devices. I name the child as Bluetooth Manager. This manager will be the one that will be used to add/discover Bluetooth devices.

For the variant of the bluetooth Module that piggy back to Environment Sensor, you will need to wire the module to the Environment Sensors. You will need to make the following connection.

5V ----> 5V
GND ----> GND
TX-------> P0.04

The left side is the Environment Sensor pads. The Right side is the Bluetooth module. Please note, that you do not need to power the Bluetooth module with this wiring scheme.

The next step is to download the following DTH to the driver code section of the hub.

hubitat/bluetooth.groovy at master · iharyadi/hubitat · GitHub.

In your Environment Sensor device Page, you will have to add the following entry and press save preference button. Note, I recommend that you disable logging on the Environment Sensor device. Bluetooth generate a lot of data.

If you get things correctly, you will see something like below.

Again, you can rename the label of the device. I like to name mine Bluetooth Manager.

The following steps is common for all type of modules.

Please download DTH for your bluetooth modules. If you have Xiaomi Flower care, as an example, download the following DTH to your Device code section.

Now, you can go to your Bluetooth Manager device page and discover the Xiaomi Flower care by pressing Find New BTDevice button.

That is pretty much what you need to do. I hope you can enjoy your new Bluetooth devices.


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