Homemade Environment Sensor + Bluetooth little brother. Here are new possibilities

Understood. I appreciate your help. The Tile is a nice device to support. Reverse engineered the protocol is just tricky. Some of the device that I work with has someone else has published the protocol. Some device have really trivial protocol design such as sending "on" or "off" to bluetooth characteristic. Unfortunately with Tile, it is more complex than than. It would have been nice for them to just make sound when we write a value to one of the characteristic. But, I do not see that on your log.

As a presence sensor is trivial.

Ok, I take note. I really appreciate your flexibility and help so far. I will set a dead line. If there are no interesting cases coming my way, I will PM you. Lets do the Tile integration.

Lets wait. Again, I appreciate the offer. I have seen the log. Having the device to reverse engineer the protocol will help a lot. But, it still may not be walk in the park. If I have an opening in my schedule to work on this, I will let you know. Creating DTH for presence sensor is on the other hand very simple.


$ sudo ./check_beacon_presence.py 
Brian_Toyota_Tag - AWAY
Tag_Green - AWAY

So I know it works. Looks to have about 30 feet distance.

I used this

The hardest part is figuring out which device goes to which MAC address.

I honestly don’t see how a device like this would help me beyond what I already have above, so please don’t spend any cycles on it for me.

Let me know if I can further help.

@iharyadi I'm relatively new to Hubitat and seeing your modules has me excited about potential possibilities. I saw your youtube video about hooking up a bluetooth module to your environment sensor. Do you have them available for donation/sales? I also saw what you did with the reverie bed (we have one too and of course the remotes died). I have a bluetooth LPG tank gauge and would be happy to test it out (though I may need some help in how to sniff the signal).

Hey welcome to Hubitat community.

At this point, I have some un-built board that will piggy back to my Environment Sensor. I am not sure if you have one. The bluetooth board with this variant need a back channel to send data to the the HUB. It need the Zigbee back channel for this purpose. If you do not have my Environment Sensor, it would be useless. Let me know what you have.

BTW, I have the DTH for Reverie bed. But, I do not have any devices for the LPG. I am not sure whether I can write one without having a device. But, if you are comfortable on groovy programming it should be something not too difficult. With the exception that some bluetooth device may implement wired authentication or encryption. It will be hard to work on those devices.


Some of member here start to received my prototype modules. I would like to document on how you get started on it.

There are 2 variant of the bluetooth modules. There is a LAN Version. There is one that connect to the Environment Sensor. The first couple steps on installing them are different.

For the LAN variant, you will need a DHCP server to assign the module an IP address. I recommend that you assign a Static IP address (not dynamic) from your router just like your Hubitat hub. For this version, the first step is please download the following app to App Code sections

Then, you will need to download the following DTH to the driver code section.


The next step is to go to the Apps section and click on Add User App button. Add the "Bluetooth LAN Service Manager" app and click done. Please ensure that you only have one of this.

Now plug in the module to DC power supply and connect the ethernet port to your lan. Then, you will wait 5 to 10 minutes. If everything goes well, you will see something like below. You can change the label of those devices. I name the child as Bluetooth Manager. This manager will be the one that will be used to add/discover Bluetooth devices.

For the variant of the bluetooth Module that piggy back to Environment Sensor, you will need to wire the module to the Environment Sensors. You will need to make the following connection.

5V ----> 5V
GND ----> GND
TX-------> P0.04

The left side is the Environment Sensor pads. The Right side is the Bluetooth module. Please note, that you do not need to power the Bluetooth module with this wiring scheme.

The next step is to download the following DTH to the driver code section of the hub.

hubitat/bluetooth.groovy at master · iharyadi/hubitat · GitHub.

In your Environment Sensor device Page, you will have to add the following entry and press save preference button. Note, I recommend that you disable logging on the Environment Sensor device. Bluetooth generate a lot of data.

If you get things correctly, you will see something like below.

Again, you can rename the label of the device. I like to name mine Bluetooth Manager.

The following steps is common for all type of modules.

Please download DTH for your bluetooth modules. If you have Xiaomi Flower care, as an example, download the following DTH to your Device code section.

Now, you can go to your Bluetooth Manager device page and discover the Xiaomi Flower care by pressing Find New BTDevice button.

That is pretty much what you need to do. I hope you can enjoy your new Bluetooth devices.


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But is there a reason NOT to if I prefer to plug both modules in and NOT connect power between them? Like so

If it is coming from the same source like yours, it is probably fine.

But, if I do it like yours (or variant of it which for some reason your use 2 power supply), I would not connect the 5v pads. You just need to have the GND at the same level.


Since I don't have any of the devices you've written a driver for it didn't identify any. I thought it might find something I'm unaware of or maybe my phone, but no. FWIW here is what showed up in the logs:

i don't think there is anything found. During discovery, that logs should be bursting through a loft of log entry.

Since you do not have any device in the DTH list, it would not show anything.

When it is not discovering, there should not be any data from the BT module in your case. In the case you have device connected, the log should get entries quite frequently. Bluetooth is very chatty. This is why I recommend to turn the log off once we have verified that you can pair a device.

Understood. :smiley:

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With the help of @Chen555, We can support XIaomi MJ_HT_V1. It is a nice temperature and humidity device with display.

I am not sure whether temperature display can be set to Fahrenheit. If you like the one that can be set to F or C, Xiaomi LYWSD02 is still a better option.

After using it for a few weeks, the Govee sensor is also been impressive. It has button on the top that you can switch the display temperature to F and C. They seems to be on sale frequently from Amazon. Here is $20 for 2.


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very cool @iharyadi

Do any other devices look interesting to you? Id be willing to drop a little cash to help play.

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@cwwilson08. You may have seen the bulb in one of my video. I am testing it currently. The range is not great. But the functionality is great.


I got this form Ebay.

This is an Triones bulb. The protocol is pretty simple. Someone has reversed engineer it.

I am able to send command to the bulb for typical RGB light. It also has very useful built in mode. There are a couple very useful mode. I could tide my smoke detector and set the bulb to do quick flash when the smoke detector is triggered.

At the same time, in daily use, the same bulb would work just like any other white warm bulb in the room.

Thanks for the offer for the help. There are plenty of interesting devices out there. I am working on a member here @ericrowespam to get Airthings (Radon sensor) work. We are having issue that we need to resolve. I think there is an interest to get Meater probe data to our hub. I have written a DTH up to a point. I do not have a device to test. I do not want to spend on another BBQ probe as my InkBird probe is working well for me.

The thing is there are some reverse engineering work needed to get some of those devices working with our hub. Please do not get me wrong. I would not do any thing close like jailbreaking a phone. Based on my experience, many protocols that the devices is implementing is very trivial. If you can sniff the data, a lot of them just simple BLE (GATT) command.

I also found some devices that are more involve to understand what they are sending and receiving. This can take time. If a member here can help on analyzing the BLE/GATT communication between the device and their application, we can have more device to bring in.

Some bluetooth device vendor is very friendly. They publish example on how to communicate with their devices. If you have device like this, I can help to see if we can do something with it.


Here is the NRF Connect data for an LPG Tank Sensor (Products – Mopeka Products, LLC) - Does it look like it will be able to connect?

And this also from nrfconnect

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Sorry about that meant to include this other screenshot

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The beacon is looking good. If you can send me the raw data, it will be easier for me to code later on.

Can you make a connection to the LPG device? I see that the button is disabled. I want to make sure if it is not connected already. If you can make a connection, I want to double check whether you have to read a "Characteristic" to read the sensor value.

If you cannot connect, the sensor value may be on the Major or Minor data of the beacon. If you can test the LPG sensor and observing the Minor and Major value change as you trigger changes on your LPG tank. I worked on a Tilt and Goveey sensor that use the Major and Minor to advertise the sensor value.

BTW, Just FYI for member here. If you see a device as a beacon and you cannot connect to it, the data will could be a part of the Major and Minor value. This is probably the easiest Bluetooth device to bring into our HUB.
