Hi, seeing as we are in the shoulder season where we need heat and cool in the same day, I have my T6 set to auto. In homekit, the thermostat display seems to have unreasonably low and high max and min settings to where the sliders only occupy a few degrees of the arc. I doubt anyone would realistically need to set the heat point to 131F. Are these max and min limits settable in the hubitat HomeKit integration firmware? Or are they baked in to the apple HomeKit code?
Sometimes the sliders overlap each other so you dont know if you are setting heat or cool.
When you are able to tap and move the sliders, moving the cool slider results in the thermostat cooling point being set to the value of the heat slider. My heat slider is on 69, I moved the cool slider to 77 and the habitat logs "cooling set point set to 69". when I move the heat slider to 72, the habitat again logs "cooling set point set to 72". so its broken multiple ways apparently.
My thermostat is a z-wave T6 pro, I get the same results regardless of driver being Generic z-wave plus thermo, or the advanced Honeywell one.
Anyone else confirm this behavior? or is it somehow just me. Everything else works great on HomeKit. All my apple kit is up to date.
This is just how the Home app deals with 'auto' setting on a thermostat, and isn't really something the hub does anything about. That is, it's the Home app that decides what command to send to the hub when you adjust the thermostat. Evidently, based on what you are reporting, Home assumes the lower setpoint is heating and the higher setpoint is cooling. On real thermostats attempting to set heating higher than cooling (in auto mode) would automatically push the cooling setpoint higher, and would maintain the 2 or 3 degree separation between the two settings.
So there's no way to fix this behavior? I see two separate bugs. Moving the heat slider sets the cool setpoint to the cool slider value, and moving the cool slider sets the cool setpoint to the heat slider value. No moving of sliders results in the heat setpoint being set.
Does the HE integration have any impact/control over the set point range ? I don’t use auto mode, only heat mode, yet as the OP mentioned the huge range (up to 55C in my case) makes the sliders of HE-bridged (Sinope w/system driver) thermostats nearly useless.
By comparison my Ecobee thermostat which is directly integrated to Honekit, has an upper limit of 33.5C (still high, but I don’t need to file my fingertips as much to use the slider).
The issue is the "keep between" range of the hot and cold sliders occupy such a small arc of degrees of the full range of the arc in the UI. Seems the high limit could be lower than 131F and if it could be changed to say 90F, it would open up the useable area between the sliders in the UI, thus making it easier to accurately touch and drag the H or C slider. With them this close together on a small phone screen, with fat fingers, it's easy to stab on the wrong one. The lower limit of 50 is probably reasonable.
This is a design decision made in the Home app, not by Hubitat. The thermostat drivers don't have a range defined (although the thermostats themselves have some range defined in their firmware). The interface to Home app doesn't include a range definition.
I see the new temp range limits in homekit, which is great and seems to work fine on one of my two thermostats, but not both. It seems to be applied to the first one created, but not the second.