HomeKit Integration

I currently have the C-7 Hubitat with the latest software update. I was able to add the HomeKit integration and add hubitat devices to HomeKit. But all my devices show up as no response. Has anyone else have the same issue. I have tried uninstalling HomeKit integration and re-installing. Re-adding the devices. Have done all the updates and it still says no response. Is this an issue with C-7 Hubitat? Is the C-8 pro any good? Does HomeKit integration work better with C-8. Any help would be really appreciated.

I don’t currently use Hubitat’s built-in HomeKit integration, so I may not be able to help troubleshoot in detail.

But there’s no particular reason why upgrading from a C7 to a newer hardware revision would solve this issue.

Do any of the devices you've added have any non-sense values set, especially for battery level?

I found a bug in the HomeKit app where if even a single device reports a negative battery level it cause every device to be 'not responding'. I've reported it to the HE devs and they're aware, but I don't know if the fix for that has been put in yet, I don't think it has. Basically what they'll do is if anything reports a negative battery level then the HomeKit app will just say "0" to Apple instead, preventing it.

But until then, check each of the devices you've added, see if any of them have negative battery levels or any other state that makes no sense.

And you can add them slowly to the app, a couple at a time, waiting 10 minutes or so between groups to see if anything in that group caused HomeKit to go not responding. Then you'll have it narrowed down as to which device(s) are causing the issue.

in homekit is normally network related. Are you all 1 network? do you have vlans?

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It’s definitely not normal. Do you have an Apple TV or HomePod mini to act as the Home hub?

I had a strange Homekit situation today, though not quite the same so probably off topic. We were having work done in the house which required my AV rack and Hubitat to be powered down.

  • Hubitat shutdown from settings, then powered down
  • AV rack (inc network switch for Hubitat) powered down
  • Hubitat powered up, flashing red/green until...
  • AV rack inc switch powered up (network restored)

Everything in Homekit was stuck on 'updating' or 'no response'. In Homekit I could see that the Apple TV 4K in the AV rack that usually acts as the active hub had been replaced by the Bedroom Apple TV 4K but nothing was working. A manual restart of the Homekit integration from its app page was needed to resolve the issue and everything came back online. So everything was powered down correctly but the integration didn't like the change to Apple device possibly when it came back up.

Thanks @sidjohn1 for nudging me to the right direction. I have 3 vlans. Hubitat is on the main vlan where as my home hub (Apple TV) is on a different vlan. Once I allowed my Apple TV to acess the main vlan, my hubitat devices were recognized in HomeKit. Thanks.

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Thanks @daniel.winks , I was able to figure it out with the help of @sidjohn1 . It had to do with my Apple Tv and Hubitat being on different vlans.

Let me guess... UniFi? So many people running UniFi stuff turning on every option and causing themselves issues.

VLANs are to keep the sales department separate from legal... they don't have use in home networks, but I digress.

I have Apple TV 4k as my home hub. I was able to figure it out with the help of @sidjohn1 . It had to do with my Apple TV and Hubitat being on different vlans.

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Yes, you guessed it right. I had setup vlans and added firewall rules myself. I did have the correct firewall rules but they were in the wrong order. I don't know how I missed that. Once I fixed that everything seems to be working fine without any issues so far.

But why put Hubitat and Apple TV on separate VLANs? This just seems like a problem in search of other problems.


If you're just putting on a IPad (for local use only) do you need a hub?
Or, can it just run locally on the IPad?

Pretty sure you can just run it with only iPads and iPhones, no HomeKit hub.

But you lose out on some nice features, like being able to use the Apple Home app from your phone while outside the house. Being able to use it remotely requires a HomeKit hub.

The Apple TV works as a HomeKit hub and is super nice. It's not some lag-filled ad-platform like Google TV is.

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I disagree completely with this. VLANs are appropriate for the home, especially if you have a PoE camera setup. Most models made in China will "phone home" from time-to-time, and the easiest way to stop it is to place them on their own VLAN with no external access.

Yes, I have different vlans for cameras and IOT devices.

I know just enough about VLANs to know that I can potentially bork things pretty good if I misconfigure something, so that’s stopped me from actually pulling the trigger on setting them up on my LAN.

But I agree it’s pretty dismissive to say they have no use outside a corporate environment.

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