Homekit integration - Devices (all) stop responding - Restart integration does not do anything

Good morning - I am having a strange problem with Homekit Integration. It happens that devices / or the whole home stops responding. When the app was in Beta still, I had toggle the Restart Hourly switch to avoid this problem.

Now - with version

I have all my devices stop responding after a couple of week. I figure I would just hit the restart integration link to force an integration restart, but without any luck. I have to shutdown/restart Hubitat and then everything comes back to normal for another couple of weeks.

Anyone experienced that problem ???



Are you monitoring the Free Memory usage on your hub? There have been some memory leaks that are worse for some users, based on what Apps and Drivers they are using, as well as how many apps and devices they have. Since restarting your Hubitat hub always resolves the issue, I am simply proposing the hypothesis that a slow memory leak might be the root cause of the issues you've observed.

One very simple solution to this is to have your hub automatically reboot itself once a week, in the middle of the night. On my older Hubitat hubs, I used to reboot them at ~5:00am every Saturday morning. This way, if something was to go wrong with the reboot, I would be home to fix it versus heading off to work with a broken home automation system, and an angry family! :wink:

Here is an example of an old Rule Machine Rule that I use to perform a weekly reboot of the hub. Note: You would of course change the IP address to that of your hub, and you must keep the port ":8080" syntax. Otherwise, this will not work. For this rule to work long-term, your Hubitat Hub's IP address needs to never change. If using DHCP, it is pretty easy in most routers to "Reserve" the same IP address for a device to make sure it never changes.

I might consider implementing this... thanks.

Here are my hub stats. would you consider it is low in mem ?


I would not consider the memory low based on that screenshot. Was that taken during the problem time when HomeKit was not working? Or afterwards?

I see in another thread that you're also having Z-Wave Cloud Backup issues after ~21 days... Was that issue resolved after a Hub reboot as well???

Just trying to help put the pieces of the puzzle together. :thinking:

I would implement the weekly automatic reboot, as it really won't hurt anything, and it surely helps. I am not a fan of having an app wait for the free memory to get too low and the automatically reboot the hub. I prefer the much simpler approach of doing it on an weekly time-based schedule, so that it will hopefully be obvious if you wake up Saturday morning and things are not working... I have run a C3, C4, C5, C7, and C8 hub in this manner over the past 6 years. After implementing the auto reboot, all of my "why did the hub just stop doing xxx" type of random issues stopped.

I recently bought and migrated to a C8 Pro hub, and I have now disabled the auto-reboot rule on it. With an extra Gig of RAM, I am very hopeful that my memory woes will be alleviated. :wink:

I would not consider the memory low based on that screenshot. Was that taken during the problem time when HomeKit was not working? Or afterwards?

Well it is just now - I didnt reboot my Hub - nor did I try to reset anything - just in case someone has an idea as to what to look for....

I see in another thread that you're also having Z-Wave Cloud Backup issues after ~21 days... Was that issue resolved after a Hub reboot as well???

Well Based on my stats I should say 10 days not 21... time does not go as fast as I would like it looks, but Yes... the last time I reboot I had the same 2 problems.

I'll look at implementing this auto shutdown ! and possibly go to the C8-Pro as well :wink:

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