HomeKit Integration (beta) - Accessory Not Found

Updated my Hubitat, rebooted so the HomeKit App would appear on the built-in App List.

Install the app and select a light, go to my phone, add accessory and scan the QR Code.

My phone thinks for 5 min then says Accessory Not Found.

Anyone else having the problem?

Same here ... unable to add my Hubitat C-7 hub as an accessory after scanning QR-code. It times out/accessory not found.
Wonder what the fix is?

Try resetting the qr code

This didn’t help

Is your HE hub on the same lan as the Apple TV/HomePod mini/iPhone?

Yes it is.

When I go to add accessory and select more options it actually finds it. But never actually connects

Me neither

Update fixed things. Everything seems to be working!

I'm on and have tried resetting the QR code several times and am still getting this.

This doesn't work for me either. They are on the same LAN (hub on and Homekit on I am on version I have ensured that my appleTV is at the latest level as well. It finds my Ecobee without even trying...

I'm having the same issue "accessory not found" / on Habitat version, Homekit side Home Hub & Bridge is Home Pod mini (software version 16.2)...

Here are some other things to try.


Well... just updated to Hubitat firmware update released this morning and it's fixed my "accessory not found" issue... Hubitat was visible, I was able to connect it and all the devices. Everything is working great.. hopefully everyone else has the same experience.

I just today discovered all of my devices unresponsive and, after wiping the Home app on my iPhone, am running into the "accessory not found" when trying to repair with Homekit v2.

I added a C7 to my network this weekend and had the same problem.

After 36hrs it started working.

That’s not the same LAN subnet although I assume it was a typo.

I updated to a C8 a few months ago. I have not yet been able to successfully add the HomeKit integration. I am at release (Current as of this posting). I still get the accessory not found.
I have done everything. Nuclear as well. Nuclear, reboot, remove the app, then reboot and then add the app again. Never any success.
Of note, I am able to run the homebridge v2 without a single issue. It still works fine. I really do not like relying on the homebridge solution as I want the Habitat to simply work directly with HomeKit.

Any other solutions?
I have noted that even when I do the Nuclear option, the QR code does not change until I actually reboot the habitat. Isn't it supposed to change immediately without a reboot of habitat?

Has no one found a fix on this? I just get the accessory not found still. All up to date on Hubitat and IOS 17.

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