For the Hubitat HomeKit app, it would be nice to have an Update / Apply button so when you make changes you do not have to click Done, forced to leave the App and then have to go back into the HomeKit app to make additional changes.
It seems, by the load put on the hub, that the changes are being applied as soon as a device is selected/unselected.
Yes they are applied as soon as you check the box for a device, it rebuilds the device list which is what causes the load spikes.
Interesting. I will have to test and wait longer then for the changes to appear in HomeKit after just enabling or disabling a single device. I would enable or disable via the boxes in the different device type groups. The Hubitat UI screen will reload, which takes a couple of seconds. Then I would watch and refresh HomeKit app and nothing ever happens. Maybe I am not waiting long enough? No changes are noticed until I click the Done button at the bottom and the update happens with 30 or so second or even quicker.
After doing another test, the devices were added and removed soon after enabling or disabling them. Cool.
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