Homekit fan control broken for the last month or two

It was working for me for a long time. I think I switched away from Homebridge soon after the direct integration was released.

My fans still work perfectly through all other interfaces, including Alexa.

Here are some reproduction steps:

Case 1: Can't set speed

  • Open the Home app on any iPhone or Mac
  • Have logging turned on on my driver and watch the live logs
  • In the Home app, set speed to anything
  • Note in the logs that setSpeed gets called twice (about 1/20th of a second apart), and both times with the value of "on". (It should only be called once, and it should be "high", "medium", "low", etc)
  • Note that I can reproduce the same buggy behavior if adjusting the fan through Siri. (Alexa works fine.)

Case 2:

  • Same steps as Case 1, but sometimes I have seen it send two setSpeeds: The first one with the actual speed I requested, and the second time with a speed one notch lower.

Case 3:

  • Change fan speed and power state in the Hubitat UI. (or through Alexa or any other UI)
  • Note that in the Home app, the fan's power state updates correctly, but the fan's speed almost never updates correctly.

It was working great for many months! Anyone else see this? I've seen it on both v2.3.8.X and v2.3.9.136.

More diagnostics:

I removed a fan from the Homekit Integration. Then after it disappeared from the Home app, I hooked it up through HomeBridge. Then I retested.

Well, the double setSpeed was still happening. So I think that's an Apple issue.

But with Homebridge, it did do the correct speeds, and worked correctly from a Home user perspective.

I then unhooked Homebridge and went back to the HomeKit Integration for the fan. Now it's just always doing setSpeed("on") again.

May be relevant but possible not.

A couple days ago I noticed that on one of my dashboards that the fan icons were not updating. I don’t use the dashboards much so I really didn’t pay much attention to it. I just tried again and I can adjust fans speeds via the dashboard but the again the icons are not updating.

I just tested my HomeKit interface and I don’t have an issue.

My bedroom fan is older Inovelli LZW36 and my livingroom fan is a Hampton Bay.

I'm going back to Homebridge for now. It's a shame, the HE Homekit Integration was working great for many months, but some recent update took it a few steps back. (I'm also having trouble with the whole integration going unresponsive. Restarting the integration doesn't help. I have to do a full hub reboot to get it to reconnect.)

Do you recall which version it started with?

I do not, but I know I've seen it on both v2.3.8.X and v2.3.9.136. (I just updated to 2.3.9 the other day, but my wife had been complaining about the fans being wonky in Homekit for at least a month.)

(Also seems possible that maybe it wasn't a Hubitat update, but maybe an Apple update? Can't really tell from my side.)

Is there any way to turn on debug logging of the HomeKit Integration? (Homebridge has logging that has helped me to pinpoint and solve issues many times.)