Hi, I am new to Hubitat and was using Home assistant before. In HA there is a homekit Device integration that allows you to connect accessories with the “Works with HomeKit” logo to Home Assistant directly. Do we have such thing in Hubitat?
if there is none would it be possible to port the driver code to Hubitat?
Many of us use an instance of HA to bring select devices into Hubitat. Such devices include Homekit devices and cloud devices for which there is an HA integration. I personally run HA in a VM on an Ubuntu server.
Thanks for the response. i personally don't like to run multiple devices but if there is no choice then would try to find a cheap raspberry pi and run HA in it
Do you have anything else you can run HA in a VM on? I have an old Mac-Mini that runs Ubuntu. I have a number of "accessory" servers running on it - including HA, Node-RED, Homebridge, Zigbee2MQTT, PiHole, Uptime Kuma, and Channels DVR.
I started with the automation recently and have many wifi and few zigbee devices. So i dont have anything other than HA at the moment to be up and running all the time. HA would be mainly for integrating the wifi and few homkit devices that i have.
i see hp thin client for around $50 to $70 that i would try as well. thanks